Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Kennebunkport, Cape Porpoise, and Goose Rock Beach

From the Johnson Hall Museum we continued north on Hwy. 1 We drove past Kennebunkport Beach.

There didn't seem to be any public parking, so we drove on.

We drove into the town of Kennebunkport. Parking was not easy to find there either.

After finding parking we walked around the town area.

On the back side of the "Welcome to Kennebunkport" is the "Entering Kennebunk".

The Kennebunk River separates the two towns.

Lower village Kennebunk was established in 1640.

Just across the bridge on the Kennbunk side is " The Clam Shack".

In my book, "500 Things To Eat Before It's Too Late" the "The Clam Shack " is recommended for their  Maine Lobster Rolls. We didn't try them, because we had already had them at Red's Eats, and Joe was not that impressed for the price.

There was a crowd, but not as large as there was at Red's Eats in Wiscasset, ME.

Here is one of their menu's, but I didn't photograph the other menu that had the Lobster Rolls.

On the other side of the river in Kennebunkport, there were a lot of shops to explore.

Kennebunkport is a cute little town, and it has a Ben & Jerry's.

Both towns were very busy that day.

The population of Kennebunkport is around 3500, and has a reputation of a summer haven for the wealthy.

Our 41st President's grandfather had a summer home in Kennebunkport. The former U.S. President George H W Bush still owns the family summer home in Kennebunkport.

In one of the shops, I saw these cute little purses. When my little Nana girl 2, Maddie, gets older, maybe I'll make her one.

As we walked back to our car we past these hydrangea's. I have always loved hydrangea's.

Kennebunkport sit inland, about one mile from the mouth of the Kennebuck River on the Atlantic, at Cape Porpoise. We drove from Kennebunkport to Cape Porpoise. On the way we passed this small store that sold fresh fish and lobster. Joe bought two lobsters for our dinner at a price of $4.99 per pound. We put them in our cooler to keep them fresh until we got home later in the day.

From Cape Porpoise you can see Goat Island Lighthouse.

We sat at a bench and ate our sack lunch at Cape Porpoise. There were a couple of guy's talking about how they saw former President George H W Bush getting out of a golf cart at a golf course and how slowly he was moving.

Cape Porpoise

The Cape Porpoise Pier was dedicated to the Fisherman of Cape Porpoise, ME.

Historically Kennebunkport was a shipbuilding and fishing village.

At the Kennebunkport Cape Porpoise Pier, there are two restaurants.

Our last stop for the day was at Goose Rock Beach.

This beach is located just north of Cape Porpoise.

The tide was out, so we took a walk out on the beach.

This beach had a ton of sea snails washed up on the shore.

There were a few other people on the beach, but because it was close to 4:00, the beach was mostly ours. We did have to share it with the birds though.

It was a perfect day. We love the quiet beaches!

All day flags were flown at half mass for 9-11.

Hope you enjoyed the day as much as we did. (This is a rental across the street from the beach we walked on)

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