Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wood Island Light, Biddeford Pool, & Fortunes Rock Beach, ME.

We enjoyed another lobster dinner at home. These lobster didn't seem as red as the previous lobsters.

The next days drive was north again, from our Moody Beach Campground. We drove to Biddeford, ME. In Biddeford we took Hwy. 208 passed the University of New England.Once we passed the university, we took a left onto Hill Beach Road.
The road ended with homes at the point. We turned around and found a small pull out spot that lead to Hills Beach.

There were people sitting on their deck to the right of the small beach. We hoped we were not on a private beach.

Joe zoomed out to Woods Island, to see Woods Island Lighthouse. You can just see it if you look just to the right of the big sailboat's main mast.

While he was taking pictures I walked on the beach in search of sea glass.

Out straight from the beach was another island. It looked pretty private with homes on it.

As we left the point, I saw this home on the bay side of the point. I love this home with it large wrap around porch. A sign on the porch read, " Between Waters Cottage 1880.

As we drove back down the peninsula, we spotted an accesses roads between the home to Hills Beach, but there was no parking area. (There were a sign stating - no parking on access road, and a private beach sign on the beach) We pulled down one of the access roads, where there was a sign for a home for sale. We parked for a second to get another view of the island with the homes on it. If we could have found a parking spot, we could have walked on the sand bar out to the island. There was someone jogging out to it, when we took the picture.

Another close up, of the island with the homes on it.

As we walked back to the car I took one final picture of the island with the sea grass on this side of the shore.

We left the Hills Beach Peninsula and drove around the bay to Hwy. 208. Hwy. 208 takes you out another peninsula called Fletcher's Neck to the coastal village of  Biddeford Pool. Out on the end of Biddeford Pool, we drove on Ocean Ave. These were some of the home across the street from the ocean with great views.

On the north side of  Biddeford Pool Peninsula or Fletcher's Neck, we could see across the channel to Beach Hills Point where we had been earlier that day. The channel leads into what is called the, " The Pool". It is a large body of water surrounded by the two peninsula's. It is a six mile tidal pool inlet, that is surrounded by tall grass salt marshes. It is considered to be one of the premier birding spots on the NE coast. 

Looking north from the village of Biddeford Pool.

We could see Wood Island Light from this point also. The Wood Island Light is located just 2 miles east of the mouth of the Saco River and 1 mile north of the village of Biddeford Pool. 

The Stage Island Monument ( tall column on the island in the picture) is a day mark that can be seen near Wood Island.

View of Wood Island Light from Fletcher's Neck. The light stands 47 feet.

Right up from the channel point on Lester B Orcutt Boulevard, is the shop called "Between The Tides. I was going to go in and look around, but we were too late in the season, and it was closed during the week. In the fall it is only open on the weekends.

"Between The Tides" shop is located in the lower half of the basement of this home.

Just up the street from the, " Between The Tides" was the Pool Lobster Co.It also advertised serving food and groceries. While I was going to visit the shop, I asked Joe to go and get me a cheese burger at the Pool Lobster Co. I had not brought much to eat that day and was getting hungry. Joe came back and told me they only serve food on weekends after labor day. The village of Biddeford Pool goes to sleep during fall week days.

We left Biddeford Pool and drove south on 208 to Fortunes Rock Road. We found a parking spot on the road next to an access path to Fortunes Rock Beach. The parking spot looked like it belonged to a rental home on the beach, but the rental home looked unoccupied. ( We hoped.) We walked out to the beach for a walk. Looking north toward Biddeford Pool, ME. point.

Close up of previous picture.

There were a few people on the beach down south of where we started our walk.

September 15, was the official day that dogs could be on the beach during the day. During prime season, they can only be on the beach before 8AM and after 6PM. It was September 14th, so we took the chance, and took Mallery out with us.

She ran back and forth between Joe and I, as I walked closer to the water. Joe stayed farther up because he had regular shoes on.

She ran and ran chasing shore birds. She loved this beach because it was soft with no shells and just a few rocks,  that were more in toward the shore.

Look Mom and Dad, no feet on the sand!

It was a great day for Mallery, because it was not too hot and we had a great breeze.The temperatures were in the mid to low 70's. Look at her chase birds as big as her.

We came to a fisherman digging holes all around him.

I asked him what he was digging for, thinking he might be digging for clams. He told me he was digging for sea worms to fish with.

Wish you all could  h ave been here, and enjoy the peace of a quiet beach.

We love the cooler weather, because we are not sun bathers or sitters.

We headed back to the car, hoping it was still there and not towed away or with a ticket.

Car still there and no ticket, we drove to the end of Fortunes Beach so I could get a medium rock from the rocky shore at this end of the beach. We didn't realize it, but there was free parking at the end of Fortunes Rock Beach, where you don't need to worry about being towed away or get ticketed. Hope this helps someone out there going to Fortune beach.

On the way home we drove on one more small peninsula on Sea Spray Drive off Granite Point Rd. Not much to see here except homes on a loop drive at the end of the peninsula. This is a view of  Horseshoe Cove off of Sea Spray Rd.

1 comment:

  1. Such amazing views! I'd would love to get in touch with a real estate expert who would help me find one of those Horseshoe Bay homes for sale which has at least one of these serene views!
