Monday, September 12, 2011

Montpelier Mansion, Red's Eats, & Owl's Head Light in ME.

On our last day at Lobster Buoy Campsite, we drove to Thomaston to see Montpelier and the historic seaport town. This is a replica of Montpelier. The general Henry Knox built one like this for his society wife Lucy in 1795.

The Montpelier was built in 1929, as a replica of the original mansion, but in a different spot. The original was gone and Thomaston citizens raised money to have it rebuilt.

Backside of the mansion. If you want to visit the mansion, the cost for adults is $7.00. We did not have time to visit, so we just took outside pictures.

We then drove through Thomaston, and walked the Main Street to view the old ship captain's homes. I  took this picture. The next two pictures are different angles of this house.

A lot of the older homes in Maine are very large and connected to barns.

Between the house and the barn, it is connected, like a lot of old Maine homes.

My sister Karen called while we were walking up and down the street, so the rest of the pictures Joe took. I will let him tell  you about the rest.

This house was most colorful of all the homes on the main street.

There are two old churches in this picture.

After our walk in Thomaston, we drove Hwy.1 south to Wiscasset, ME. to go to Red's Eats.

I have a book that tells about great places to eat in the USA, and Joe went on line to get a list of favorite and popular lobster food places. We compared our lists and found this place was on both.

My book said to plan on waiting up to an hour to get served. Joe wanted me to go shopping while he stood in line, so after we ate we could leave and not shop anymore.

It was a very warm day, so the establishment brought out umbrella's, to who ever wanted one to provide shade for themselves. Joe got into line as I pushed Mallery around in her stroller. 

After 30 minutes, Joe is about half way to the front. He is the one with the tan pants, navy blue shirt, and white hat. The establishment also came out several times with water for those in line. It had been cool in the morning, so Joe had put pants on for the first time since last winter. He was wishing he had not made that decision. There were not that many shops to go in, so I was waiting across the street in the shade with Mallery.

He finally got to order and then sit down to eat at exactly a hour from the time he first got in line.

Red's Eats is famous for there large portions of lobster in their lobster rolls.

A lobster roll is lobster in a hot dog bun. The outside bun has been grilled. He also ordered onion rings. There was a huge amount of lobster in the bun. I ate just lobster and no bun and onion rings. I took home my whole bun with lobster still in the bun. Joe also took home half his lobster roll. Our left over lobster rolls made a second meal. Needless to say Joe was disappointed in the meal, the lobster is served cold not warmed up, he didn't care for it that way and, because it cost $35 total. He said he was going to buy fresh lobsters and cook it himself from now on. what can I say, he is a "LaFontaine". It is a family trait, stronger in  some than others.

Our last stop was to the town of Owl's Head, just north of South Thomaston to the Owl's Head State Park.

You have just a short walk to the Owl's Head Lighthouse. (and a few stairs. And might I add, the steps are very short. You feel like you climbed twice as many stairs, for the distance you climb).

A bit foggy looking out to the Penobscot Bay.

Looking south.

Don't minded Joe's finger prints. The camera is getting tired and the lens cover tends to stick closed and he has to touch the lens cover to get it to close and open sometimes.He must of touched the lens a couple of times.

Looking down the stairs and south.

The present lighthouse was built in 1852 and automated in 1989.

The lighthouse is open on Saturday and Sunday 10am to 4 pm, and Wednesday 1pm to 5pm. We did not know this and were just blessed to come on the right day.

Of course I had to take a picture of a white wild rose.

View to the north toward Rockland, ME.

Close up

Winter is coming soon in these parts!

NE view

Heading down the short steps,

then across the walk way to another set of stairs, and down a path to the parking lot.

At the end of the path to the south, is a small beach, but we could not figure out how to get to it with out going down a step tourist made path.

There is a park made path to the other side of the point. This beach is very rocky.

On the way home, Joe saw this submarine.

At home, I went out to our beach in search for more sea glass. The tide was out the most, I had seen it since we had been at this campground. That is me way out there by the water.

Joe was out looking also, but he got bored after awhile and went inside.

It was getting foggier by the moment. I could hear a motor on a boat for the longest time, and wondered how he was finding his way.

I was looking out at the water here, but could not see it. The boat finally pulled up to the beach. It was a small john boat. It was time to go in. New York was to be hit with Irene in the middle of the night that night, and if we were to feel Irene's effects it would be tomorrow. Our plans were to leave the next morning. We were glad, because we were just steps from the Atlantic Ocean.


  1. Wowee those Lobster rolls look super. I agree with Joe..Nothing better than hot Lobster...though, I certainly could be quite happy with a lobster roll

  2. Dawn, He likes to eat out, he just hates to pay for it. He looks at how much everything cost and how much it would cost if he made it at home! But it was better home when it was heated up!
