Friday, September 9, 2011

Rockport, & Breakwater Lighthouse in Rockland, ME.

On this day we drove north to Rockport, ME.

It was time for lunch, so we found a bench along the marina, for a waterfront seat while we ate.

After eating I walked around a bit in the park.

As we drove into the park, we saw a sign with a road closed for, " preparing for Irene". The road was on the other side of this canal. The marina was busy pulling out sailboats and putting them on shore.

On the back side of the park was this sign.

Historic Rockport Lime Kilns that was destroyed in a 1902 fire. Limestone rock was turned into lime and Rockport and other area towns were the major supplier of lime to the east coast.

The marina was also pulling out the small dingy boats and chaining them to the flag pole.

The boats were tied down to anything that they could find.

We drove to the little town of Rockport, and walked down the street. At Mary  Lea  Park you could get a good view of the harbor.

Still a lot of boats in the harbor. Maybe some people are going to take the risk, and leave them in the water.

The town is very small and not much else to see, but as we left, we spotted this home for sell. Any guesses on the price?  It was built in 1870, and is 5,424 sq ft, sits on 3.13 acres,and has 16 rooms-(6 bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms, and 1-half bath).

You can own 28 Pascal Ave., Rockport, ME. for $995,000.

Our next stop was to see Breakwater Lighthouse, in Rockland just south of Rockport. The picture above is looking out toward the lighthouse.

Here is a close up of it.

And closer still. You can see some of the thousands of lobster buoys along the pier to the lighthouse.

If the tide is out, there is a beach that you can search for shells or sea glass.

The pier out to the lighthouse is constructed of huge blocks of rocks pieced together.

It's a mile out and a mile back.

It's amazing how they fit the pieces together.

I'm always behind Joe, because I take a lot of pictures.

Almost there.

You do have to watch where you step because even though they did a good job putting the huge pieces together, there are still big holes that could break your leg if you stepped into one.

Looking back to where we came from.

When the tide is up, the water is almost to the top of the pier. (that's what Joe told me anyway)

At last we finally got there! It's a long walk when you are looking at your feet all the time. Note the stairs that take you out to a floating dock. It's where you can take a picture of the Breakwater Lighthouse.

looking back again, but toward the ocean. Are those Acadia Mountains? I think they might be.

Out on the floating dock, I got a better view of the lighthouse.

Looking back at land from a balcony in front of the lighthouse.

A close up of previous picture.

At the back of the lighthouse looking up.

Looking to the pier from the floating dock.

Looking out to the land across the harbor to the south.

A close up of a smaller lighthouse at the point across to the south and lobster buoy's.

One last look back as we headed toward land, watching our steps all the way .

When we got home,  I went out to our beach and looked for sea glass. I did find a couple pieces.

After searching for a while,

it was time to play ball with Mallery in our back yard.

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