Friday, September 9, 2011

Camden, ME.

We woke up to a rainy morning at Lobster Buoy Campsite on our 2nd morning.

Before we were ready to leave our home, the weather had cleared and there were people kayaking out in the Atlantic Ocean.

We took a day drive north from our neighborhood to Camden, ME. This is a picture I took two days prior, as we drove through Camden in the Nest on the way to Lobster Buoy Campsite, in South Thomaston. I told Joe, we had to come back for a day. 

We decided to split up, because Joe didn't want to go into all the shops. I walked up one side of the towns shops, going in and out of them at my slow pace. At the top of the street, I crossed over to start back down the street of shops. But before I went down the street, I walked over to the town park to see this view of the harbor.

As I walked back to the street to shop, I looked down the back side of the stores. I saw water, but could not see where it was coming from or going. I also saw red umbrella's for an outside restaurant.

A different view trying to see where the water goes to. 
I am going to turn the middle half of this blog over to Joe, because he took these next pictures as I shopped down the other side of the street.

This is Joe: and this is where the water that Diane took a picture of behind the restaurant was going.

It cascaded down this rock shelf to the harbor below.

I am standing on a walkway along the harbor looking up toward the back of the downtown shopping area.

Turning around I am now looking out at the harbor toward the ocean.

This harbor is much more organized than most fishing harbors we normally visit. There are docks and rich resident's boats in this harbor and fewer fishing vessels.

I'm sure this sailboat belongs to a rich RV wannabee. It just needs wheels and a satellite dish.

This owner has the RV idea as well. I'm sure he has Direct TV in the harbor, but is still missing the wheels.

This is the same view that Diane took from the City Park looking down to the harbor.

This is a close-up of the previous picture.

This is a picture looking in the opposite direction away from the harbor.

This picture shows the view of the restaurant on the downtown street that Diane mentioned earlier, from the harbor side view.

There is a river that runs through the city and ends here into the harbor.

This is a walkway that crossed the river running through town.

This ice cream shop owner must be from Tenn. and is also trying to attract business from the very old and very young. 

I met up with Joe, after enjoying my time alone shopping and not having someone follow me throughout the stores. We walked down to the harbor, so I could see the harbor. There are several restaurants along the harbor.

This is the Bay View Restaurant,

with a water front view.

I would show you the pictures I took of the harbor, but you already saw them in Joe's pictures. Hope you enjoyed Camden, like I did!.

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