Thursday, September 8, 2011

Marshall Point Lighthouse Museum & Port Clyde, ME.

We stayed at Lobster Buoy Campsite from Aug. 24 to Aug. 27.

We woke up to fog in the morning, but it cleared off as the sun came up.

We took off to do some close by sight-seeing.

We drove on Hwy. 73 south toward Sprucehead, ME., and pulled over off the road. We looked across the bay to see if we could see Lobster Buoy Campsite, but we could not see it. We should have gotten our binoculars, but it also might be around the corner hidden from our sight.

Looking straight out from where we stood, we could see the island with the house on it. That is the same island that sits in front of Lobster Buoy Campsite.

We continued our drive to Sprucehead.

Joe went in to check lobster prices. The fishermen had just gone back out to sea, but a lady told Joe there was another lobster pound just down the road.

Joe parked and went into the next lobster pound. While I waited in the car, I took this picture of the pretty home across from the lobster business.

Here is the lobster pound that Joe went in to check prices.

We continued further down the road to yet another lobster pound.

Joe likes to find the best deal in town!

And I like to take pictures so I can remember everywhere I've been. This is looking in the opposite direction of the pound Joe went in.

This close up shows all the sea birdies on the rocks.

We stopped at the town of  St. George, and saw the harbor.

After seeing the harbor, we continued on down the road.

While I was taking pictures of the harbor, Mallery got in Joe's lap. I let her sit in his lap for a while as he drove down the road.  She acts like it's cool, because it is something she doesn't get to do very much.

As we drove south on Hwy. 131, I saw this very small but cute home.

Just before you reach the parking lot for Marshall Point Lighthouse, you go past this beautiful home and well maintained yard.

We arrive at the point straight SW of Thomaston, ME.

Marshall Point Lighthouse

While Joe checks out the museum, I check out the lighthouse.

Looking right from the lighthouse.

To the right there was a wind surfer.

I enjoyed watching him for a while.

You can not see it, but in this shot he was in the air at least 10 feet above the water.

I walked out to the lighthouse and looked back to land.

When I got back to land, Mallery rolled and romped in the soft green grass.

A look to the left from the lighthouse.

Off to the right and to the back I look toward Port Clyde.

Close up of previous picture.

The landscape is well maintained at the lighthouse also.

Joe comes out of the museum, and I handed Mallery's leash to him.

An old lobster cage.

 A new lobster cage.

A board with all the registered color/design buoy's and the names of the fishermen.

A board as a memorial,with the color/design of fisherman who have passed away.

Old buoy's above the two boards of  the small replica buoy's.

We walked toward the car to leave.

One last look of Marshall Point Lighthouse from the side.

On our short drive to Port Clyde, we spotted a sign for fresh fish, so we turned down the road.

Most of Maine is wild, and not well maintained.

I like the wild look, because it means no chemicals,

and it can be pretty in it's natural state.

I find things to photograph, while Joe is inside.

He finally comes out with fresh Monk fish. He wanted to try something he had never had. Monk fish, he was told, is a firmer fish and tastes some what like lobster. After trying it, we decided you might as well go for lobster for the price of the Monk fish.

We arrive at Port Clyde. Parking is very minimal in the port. Half the parking is reserved for ferry riders out to Monhegan Island. This is the Port Clyde General Store

The Ocean House is a motel

I liked this sign, because I could see it a couple miles away as we drove into the port.

A view of Port Clyde General Store from the port side.

Close up of the general store.

Looking out at the harbor.

We walked around to some of the shops, and I got Joe to watch Mallery so I could peek into a couple of them. He hates it when I bring Mallery and then have him watch her while I go into the shops. I don't know why he cares, he hates to shop anyway. I see husbands outside the shops all the time sitting alone or with their dogs.

Behind this shop was a deck with lobster cages.

leaving nothing but mud.

It is pretty stinky when the tide is out,

and not real pretty.

As we headed back up Hwy. 131 we drove past this home that sits high on a hill above Port Clyde.

What a view they must have.

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