Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Drive to Joe's Sister Renee and Dave's Home in Medford, MA.

We were sad to leave Maine, after staying there for almost seven weeks, but it was time to leave Maine and  the Maniacs.

This is the Piscataqua River Bridge that crosses over from Kittery, ME. into Portsmouth New Hampshire.

We entered into a new state for both of us.

This is a picture of New Medford, MA. as we drove through the small suburb of Boston, where Joe's sister lives.

Our drive to Joe's sister Renee and Dave was just short of a couple of hours.

Renee had orange cones out to stop anyone from parking in our new campsite for the next seven days.

A look at our Nest from up the street, toward Renee and Dave' home.

Dave helped Joe hook up our electric. The cord hooked up high, because their home sits up on a hill. It was nice to have it hooked up this way, not having to worry about the cord across the side walk.

Picture of their neighbor's home behind them.

The next day, we went with Dave to drop Renee off to her part time job in Winchester, at the Winchester Public Library. Renee retired about 5 or 6 years ago from her high school teaching job. She taught physics and chemistry. She now works three hours a day at the library for something to do. Joe and I took Mallery for a walk along a path next to Mystic Lake, that is across the street from their home, while Dave was painting their home.

This is a close up of the other side of the lake.

We walked down the street and turn on a street that took us to the Mystic Lake Dam  and Boat Club. This is a view of Lower Mystic Lake.

The dam divides the lake into the Upper and Lower Lake.

View looking toward the upper lake.

The dam has two gates on it. If the gates were open, we would be able to cross the lake to the other side of the lake. I was taking this picture, with my smart phone between the bars. Joe was complaining that if I drop it, he would be unable to retrieve it for me. So in other words, " STOP PUTTING YOUR SMART PHONE THROUGH THE BARS FOR A PICTURE"!

We walked up to the end of the upper lake.

There is a small beach at the end of the upper lake.

The upper lake is fed from the Aberjona River.

It was a beautiful day, and Mallery was really enjoying her walk, especially when we let her off the leash, once we got into the park.

A close up from the beach to the dam.

We headed back toward home, and half way back on the upper lake I took another picture toward the dam. The lower lake drains into the Mystic River, and then into the Boston Harbor. The lower lake is a  meromictic lake   

Mystic Lake is across the street from Renee and Dave's home,

and our home too. Renee enjoys birding around the lake.

They don't have a good view of the lake when the trees are dressed with their leaves. When winter comes and the leaves are gone, they can see the lake.

For dinner Renee and Dave made pizza for us.

The pizza was divided into quarters and ingredients were placed according to the checked marks on the list.

Renee made up this list, and had all of us mark what we wanted on our quarter of pizza.

My finished dinner, after cheese was added and cooked in the oven. Yum! It was awesome.

This is the Winchester Public Library were Renee works part time. I should have put it in the blog earlier when I talked about Dave and us taking her to work, but it was in Joe's picture files and I forgot I had it until I had loaded all the other pictures.
We have been in Rochester, MA. sightseeing Cape Cod  for the past week. We are leaving today and  heading home (Iowa). We figure it will take about five days to get back to Iowa.
I will continue to blog about our Adventures in Boston, as we travel across the states to Iowa.

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