Sunday, October 2, 2011

Maine Diner and Wells Beach in ME.

We drove to Biddeford, ME. from Moody for the Thursday Farmers Market. On the way there I saw this truck on the side of the road, and told Joe, on the way back, I wanted to get a picture of it. Creeping Thyme Dairy Farm was at the Farmers Market, and I wanted to get some more milk, cheese and chocolate fudge. Their products are really good. I got the feta cheese and a cilantro hot pepper jam topped chevre. The chevre was oh so good. You can visited their website at

I wonder if it really was used as a RV at one time?

Now it advertises for a campground.

After we got back from the Farmers Market, I took Joe out for a snack at the Maine Diner.

My book that gives good places to eat, advertises this place. Joe had also read on Diner's, Drive- In's and Dives website, that this was a good place to eat.

Maine Diner is located on Hwy. 1 in Wells, ME.

In the front door they have a signed autographed picture of Guy Fieri.

We ordered the sampler of clam chowder, lobster chowder and fish chowder. I forgot to take a picture of the food because I was enjoying the clam chowder so much. My book recommended clam chowder and the Indian Pudding. Joe wanted to get the sampler to try the other two. They all were good, but the clam chowder was absolutely awesome, and I don't like clam chowder. I highly recommend it.

After we ate I ordered some Indian Pudding. I had never heard of it. Indian Pudding is an old New England dessert.

It is made from corn meal, molasses, cream, butter, brown sugar, ginger, and cinnamon. It was really good, but because Joe is not a sweets person, I ate it all by myself. It is one you would want to share, because it is very sweet. But I had to eat it by myself. Darn!

Above the counter, there is another signature of Guy Fieri. Before we left, I got a big bowl of the clam chowder to go.

After we ate, we drove to Wells Beach, and parked at the other end of the beach. During prime time, there is a charge for parking. No one was in the guard shack, so we got to park for free.

From this parking lot, there is a short walk along a canal-jetty.

The beach is pretty wide at this end of the beach.

Half way down the beach it became pretty rocky.  The tide was going out, leaving the rocks behind.

Mallery didn't like walking along the water, because the rocks were to big for her. But I liked walking along the water, because I like to look for nice rocks. Joe says's I am shopping at the beach, but it is free!

The temperature was 68 degrees that day.

Trash Art from a collection of beach walkers.

A partially wash away sand mermaid with seaweed hair.

It was sunny and with very little breeze, so it was a perfect day to walk on the beach.

There were lots of shore birds.

Did I say there were lots of birds,

And a few other beach walkers on the beach.

I really liked this beach, because it is hard packed and great for walking.

I recommend this beach if you like a good walking beach!

" OK, I am coming!" I told Joe. Joe and Mallery got tired of me taking pictures of birds or looking for rocks.

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