Thursday, December 29, 2011

Babysitting Noah and Lennox

My daughter Alisha asked me if I would babysit Noah one day. We planned to take him to the beach. Before we left, Joe was sitting in his chair watching the news, and I was getting things together. Noah walked up to his papa, and just climbed in the chair to sit next to him, and continue to play his video games. Noah loves is a man's man!

I called Tiffany and asked her if Lennox could come with us to the beach. I figured Noah would enjoy someone to play with.
At the beach, Noah wanted to build a sand castle, so Joe was fetching water to get the sand wet for him.

The boys ran and ran all over the beach.

Once papa had got some sand wet, it was time to build a castle.

Joe helped Noah and Lennox fill their buckets with wet sand.

Noah was proud of his bucket sand castle.

Lennox wanted to knock Noah's castle down, because Lennox is all about knocking things down.

Noah didn't want to knock down is castle.

We tried to help Lennox build a bucket sand castle, but no sooner did we have it built, it was knocked down.

Time to get more water.

It was a breezy day, but the sun was out.

After the boys got done building sand castles, they chased the birds on the beach.

At one point Lennox got upset, because he wanted to knock Noah's sand castle down again, and I told him "no". He went running up the beach toward the car crying for his mommy. Noah and I ran after him. Noah got to him before I did and wrapped his arms around him to stop him. As I carried Lennox back, one of his shoes fell off, but I didn't realize it. When we got back to Joe, I put him back down. I realized he had one shoe on and one shoe off. Lennox does not like things touching his feet. Last time we came to the beach, he would not take off his shoes. I watched him as he walk in the sand with the one bare foot. He didn't seem to notice at first. But soon he took off the other shoe, and he was sliding his feet in the sand to feel what it felt like. The rest of the day he ran without them.

Off they went again chasing the birds.

After we left the beach we stopped for lunch at McDonald's. After lunch the the boys played on the McDonald's play gym for a while.

After lunch we took them to Alisha's for a nap. If you want you kids to nap, take them to the beach for fresh air and exercise, and they will be ready for a nap. I had to wake Noah up from his nap at 5PM so he would go to sleep that night.

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