Saturday, December 17, 2011

Lennox's Ride In The Nest and The Gulf Shores, AL Annual Christmas Parade

I took a picture of our Nest outside of  Tiffany and Blake's home. Blake worked for a couple of days wrapping lights all around their home. I think he inspired the neighborhood, because many more homes have decorated this year, compared to the last couple of years. For the last three years he has been increasing his light display.

We had been at Tiffany and Blake's for two weeks, when it was time to dump the grey and black tank.

Last year we let Noah ride in the big bus during a dumping run. We decided to let Lennox go with us this time.

We got him strapped in for the 2-3 mile drive to a nearby campground.

He seemed to enjoy looking down at the cars along side the bus.
Luxury RV Resort in Gulf Shores, AL. is the campground that is the closest to us to dump our tanks.

The only reason we lasted so long on the grey tank is because Joe carried three to four large buckets of water into Tiffany's home daily. ( dish and face wash water )

We also attended the Annual Gulf Shores Christmas Parade. Maddie June was pretty in pink while waiting for the parade.

She was wearing her Junebug shoes. Madalena June was named after her great grandmother Junebug.

Lennox and Noah ran around waiting for the parade to start.

We always park at the Re Max parking lot. Alisha worked at this Re Max when she first moved down here. She is back working part time for a Re Max realtor in a marketing job.

Noah also enjoyed playing under the small palm bushes.

The boys ran up and down the Re Max side walk to entertain them selves.

Time for a break.

I was busy watching both the boys, keeping them away from the street.

Maddie Junebug waited in her tricycle stroller.

She is as cute as a button,

with a personality that is even cutier.

The cars were finally stopped, so it didn't matter if the boys got in the street. Joe and I had brought Lennox. Tiffany was not going to bring him, because she said that he would not like the parade. ( Last year he cried with all the noise). I figured it would be different this year.

But it wasn't! In fact it was worse. As soon as the police cars came down the street with their sirens on, Lennox starting to scream and run. I had to sit with him in the car, in the parking lot for the entire parade. I guess my daughter Tiffany knows her son better than Nana does! This was our view from the car as I watched the parade. Lennox sat in the back seat trying to get his car seat buckles on, every time I mentioned we go back to parade.

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