Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tug Boat, Beach Time & Thanksgiving 2011

                      Tug Boat, Beach Time, & Thanksgiving 2011

We always drive along the canal on the way to and from church on Sunday.

I had to take a picture of Tug Boat Diane.

Tug Boat Diane is very strong!

She was pushing two barges.

Later that day we took the Nana & Papa Kids to the beach, to give their mom and dad's a break.

Joe, Hayleah and Noah played baseball.

Lennox and I flew a kite.

Lennox would not take his shoes off, because he is fussy about what touches his feet.

While driving to the beach, Noah cried, " I want my mommy" over and over, and over. We stopped at the Dollar Store, on the way to the beach so Hayleah could get batteries for her camera. While she was in the store, Noah continued to cry and yell for his mom. I wondered if someone would think we had kidnapped him. The only thing that finally got him to stop as we continued on to the beach, was that Lennox started to copy him. At first Lennox was saying, "I want my mommy", after him. Shortly there after,  they were in unison. We started laughing, then Noah started to laugh also! Praise the Lord he thought it was funny too!

The boys had a good time at the beach, but we should have brought buckets and shovels. Hayleah  got some real good pictures also. She is interested in photography like her mom. 

We also attended the Thanksgiving program at Noah's daycare the day before Thanksgiving.

Last year Lennox would not go on the stage and started crying, until Tiffany went and got him.This year Noah, stood on stage and just cried until Alisha walk up to get him. What can I say, it's a family trait ( stage fright ). I saw it with Alisha, and Hayleah too, when they were little. ( Lennox change daycare schools this year), so we don't know if Lennox would have cried also).

The boys love to come into the Nest and sit in the drivers seat.

Every time I would go into Tiffany's house, Lennox would grab my hand and say, "Go to bus".

We had Thanksgiving at Alisha's. Jamie's mom and dad, and niece came also. This was just our desert table.

We had a northern and southern food sharing fest for Thanksgiving diner. There was so much food left, that we still have one more Thanksgiving meal in our freezer.

Maddie sitting on the kids picnic table after diner. She just started to walk a little over a month ago.  She  now climbs up on everything.

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