Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas 2011

                                                              Christmas 2011
We had Christmas on Christmas Eve at Tiffany and Blake's home again this year.

Blake bought a turkey fryer, and we had a deep fat fried turkey this year. Yum, it was moist!

The house was warm from all the cooking. Maddie seemed to like to stand by the fan and feel the breeze. I like the way the fan blew the little bit of  hairs she has behind her ears and back of her head! It was so cute.

I tried to get a picture of Maddie and Mallery together, because they both had black and white dresses on. But you can see it didn't go well.

I bought Maddie's Christmas outfit this year.

The boys had nice outfits on for a minute, but it didn't take long until their shirts came off. I'm surprised they have pants on. They both seem to like to take off their cloths a lot these days.

Madalena and her daddy.

After we ate, we all chilled for a while before we opened presents.

Mallery hates it here in Gulf  Shores. I brought her into the house for a few pictures. Noah chases her around, trying to pick her up. We tell him to not chase her, but he can't seem to control himself, when it comes to Mallery. I have to take her back outside to the Nest all the time. She is much happier in the Nest. We had a great Christmas and were blessed to have Hayleah with us this year. 

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