Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hayleah Grace's 15TH Birthday

I am so blessed to be able to share in my first granddaughter's birthday every year.

We were blessed with Hayleah on December 24th, 15 years ago.

Noah giving his dad a BIG kiss, then said, "I gave Daddy a BIG kiss".

Jamie made the cake and Alisha decorate it. They both did a great job.

Maddie didn't have her matching hat on, so her Nana put it on to see how cute she was with it on.

As you can see, I made her very, very mad. She doesn't like hats right now.

So I decided I would take pictures of Noah instead. Noah is into super hero's right now, and likes to  dodge all my pictures.

I got this one on the run from me.

After cake it was present time for sweet Nana Girl 1.

Tiffany, Blake and Lennox also came. ( I didn't get pictures of Blake, Joe and Hayleah's friend Chelsey, but they were present for Hayleah's big day).

Hayleah gets a professional camera from her mom and myself.

She has interest in photography like her mom.

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