Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Years Eve Day and New Years Eve 2012 in Gulf Shores

Mallery likes Styx River Resort better than when we park in the girls driveway. Though it did take 2-3 days for her to get use to the constant shooting noise at the park. There is a shooting range down the road from the park. After 3 days she got use to it like we did. Our site in the park is farthest from the shooting range, so we don't hear it much unless we are outside.

On New Years Eve day we drove to Gulf Shores and walked on the beach.

The beach was the busiest we've seen since we have been here.

There was even people in the water.

It was a beautiful day with temperatures in the mid 70's. After our walk, we went to Tiffany and Blake's home. Blake's mom and dad, who are from Iowa, had prepared dinner for us all. It was yummy and we had a great time.

Alisha, Jamie, and the three kids all came too. This is another attempted to get a picture of Noah as he and his family were leaving to walk down the street to their home. Noah got this kid size four wheeler for Christmas. I told him I wanted a picture of him on it. Just as I snapped the picture he took off. That's my Noah, always on the move.
That evening, Joe and I went to Styx River Resort New Years Eve party in the club house. The party started at 7:00 for a social hour. Everyone was to bring finger foods. There was not an entrance fee. The band started at 8:00. We didn't arrive until 8:30. There was tons of food, but I didn't eat much because I saw a fly that was buzzing around on the food. We could not find a seat in the house. So we stood around  the food and watched the entertainment. We were back to our Nest at 11:00. I watch the new year come in on TV and Joe was a sleep at midnight. Below is a video of the band that played that night, the River Banks Band.
The next day, January 1, 2012, we walked to church.

This church is located in the park. There was only one other couple besides us at the service. There was no piano player, so when we sang during worship there was a total of  eight people singing. ( The minister, his wife, the minister's son in law, who lead the singing, and the son in law's wife, who sang a duet with her husband) It felt like a real southern church service.

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