Monday, February 20, 2012

The River Walk In San Antonio, TX. Part 2

I told you in my previous River Walk San Antonio, TX. blog, that we noted many designs on the cement path on our walk. Here are more of the different designs we viewed.

Joe taking off his jacket finally. I took mine off long before he did. He has a much wider temperature range than I have.

This is a view of a once all girls school, but now a school of arts. I was looking across the river for this picture.

When I got across to the other side, I took a picture of the bench in front of the entrance way. I google these Latin words and they means, "art is long, life is short". The longer meaning is, The art is long, life is short, opportunity fleeting, experiment dangerous, judgement difficult".
The cement bench was covered in mosaic art.

Further down the path we came to another two seat tree bench.

View from above the two seats in the bench.

The street bridge above had a nice design on the railing.

If it was spring or summer we would have seen more green and flowers.

There was some plant life that was green already. They must be much hardier than the others.

Entrance to another business. Maybe a hotel.

We are not on the loop part of the River Walk in all of these pictures. We were on one of the legs that stick out from the loop.

The star of Texas!

This little building left among the taller buildings must be some historic building.

An archway with fountains behind them.

I took this picture because I thought of my daughter Tiffany's cat, Bella. We finally got back on the loop of the River Walk where all the action is.

This was the St. Mary's Institute. I think it might be a hotel now. If anyone knows for sure, please leave a comment.

Looking toward "The County Line" restaurant.

We were on the side of the river where Dick's Last Resort and Joe's Crab Shack was.

We walked past the British Pub.

Is he real or not? I thought he was until I went to take his picture.

There are many events that are held through out the year here. But nothing was going on while we were there.

At night it would be very pretty because lights are strong all over the trees.

I liked this wreath made of prickly pear cactus!

My feet were tired, so we stopped at the cafe ole' for refreshments.

It felt good to sit in the warm sun and rest my sore feet.

Behind me, the fowl were begging and bugging the customer for food.

We received our margarita's and nachos, and shortly there after mister mallard scared me with a nip to my  shirt on my arm. Then he proceeded to look up at our table to see what we had to share.

" Well what do you expect, I get fed all the time", he said. I gave in and gave him a nacho. Sparrows were also begging. I put a small piece of nacho on the table to see how bold they were. Yep, just as I though, a sparrow flew up and grabbed the nacho off the table right next to me.

Before we left,  bees had decided to help themselves to my sugar on the rim of my glass.

Gees  Louise can't a girl eat in peace! To be continued:

1 comment:

  1. I received this note in my email, and was so blessed by it I thought I would share it with others. You never know how sharing your life, can help others.Diane

    Hi there,

    This will probably sound absurd, but I just wanted to tell you thank you for posting your travel pictures to your blog. You see, my husband and I were engaged and married in San Antronio. He proposed on the side of the riverwalk after a long, winding walk, at night, where we had stopped at an unusual two-seat tree bench to talk.

    We took a picture the best we could, but because there are so very many paths on the riverwalk, I've never been able to locate the exact spot. I've scoured the internet hours on end just to find a clear picture of it, but came up empty-handed until God put you in my path. I happened across your 2nd entry from 2012, with two pictures of our tree seat. On top of that, I was able to confirm it's the same one because of another photo of a long set of stairs and turquoise door that I know we walked through on our way there.

    So I wanted to say thank you so much, because now we can revisit memory lane in person. If it wasn't for your blog there's no telling when might have ever found it.

    Thanks again & God bless you,

    Sent from my iPhone
