Sunday, February 19, 2012

River Walk, San Antonio, Texas Part 1

On our third day in San Antonio, we went to the famous "River Walk" in the down town area.

The metro area around the River Walk is very depressed, rough, and poor,

but the River Walk was very nice and maintained.

When we first started out, we had our jackets on,

but as the day went on the weather warmed up and we took off our jackets.

The Texas Flag is seen everywhere.

Here is a map of the River Walk in San Antonio. Most of the restaurants are on the river loop area off of College and St Mary's Streets.

This is a very pretty mural under one of the many walking or street bridges.
Mural of the River Walk.

The River Walk path has many different designs along the walk.

This bench was made out of branches.

Another mural under a bridge.

A gated path to one of the many business along the walk.

This bench was made out of a tree truck.

Another entrance to a business above the walk.

José Antonio Navarro (February 27, 1795 – January 13, 1871) was a Texas statesmanrevolutionarypolitician, and merchant. 

Looking across the river to what I believe is a hotel.

Entrance and exit to the  River Walk.

Interesting arbor across the walk.

Another view as we looked back. The arbor had seating also at the base of the trunks..

At first we couldn't figure out what these colorful glass strips were for dangling under a bridge.

Because there was netting off to the side, we deducted they were to scare off the pigeons.

Our walk first started out heading toward the Locks and Dam. We were needing some good and honest non stop exercise, except for my many photo shots.

A couple of headless ducks taking a siesta. Before I took out my camera, you could not see their heads at all. My camera got a peak from one.

The River Walk sits below the down town.

We finally reach the Locks & Dams. You can keep going, but we crossed the dam bridge and then headed back to the down town center.

Before I even stopped to take this picture, Joe said, " I see we are going to get a flower shot!", and I was just getting ready to stop for it. He knows me as well as I know myself.

To be continued:

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