Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Colorado River Oasis, Ehrenberg, AZ.

                                                            March 6, 2012

We left Casa Grande, AZ. on Saturday March 3 for Ehrenberg, AZ. From the time we got to Benson, AZ to Casa Grande, we started to retrace roads we  have been on two years ago.
We left Casa Grande, and headed north toward Phoenix, AZ. Road side flowers were in bloom most of the day.

Our drive through Phoenix went good and then we headed west.

Our drive was a 200 miles trek. We left Casa Grande at 11:30 AM.

On the other side of the mountains 

and down a ways...

was Quartzsite, AZ. in the valley.

We stayed in Quartzsite two years ago so...

we went through the valley and back up another mountain.

As we left Quartzsite, we enter into new territory for both of us! Eight miles west of Quartzsite is Ehrenberg, AZ. Ehrenberg's population is 1,357 and sits at 305 elevation on the western border of AZ.
We took exit 1 and turn left off the ramp, then right at the T section for 1/2 mile. If you are coming to visit Colorado River Oasis from the east, look for this building with the resorts name on it. Your turn is directly after this building.

We got park and I take pictures I missed coming in.

We are staying at this park for 11 day under the ROD membership for free.

The office... 

The pool/jacuzzi is to the right of the office.

View from the front porch of the office.

Site #173. We hope no one takes the site to the right of us.

Each site has cement pavers around the sites and along the inside roads. Mallery thinks they are doggie sidewalks

The Colorado River runs next to the resort.
This river comes from Lake Powell at the northern border of AZ. and the southern border of Utah.  The water is very clear.

If you want a site facing the river, you need to get to the park early. We didn't arrive until after 3:30, so no way did we get a river site.

We are located just across the street from the river,

 and just steps from the entrance to the river trail.

When we arrive we were given a ticket for a chance to win a free banana split. Of course you must attend the ice cream social to win. The second day we were here, we attended the social to see if we won.

They also have Texas Hold-em in the activity center. The first night Joe played he came in  last because they play different then the other resorts. At all the other resorts, there is a 1st and 2nd place winner. At this resort, they play until 9:00 and you leave with what money is in your pile at 9:00. He said everyone plays very conservative. Monday night after understanding the rules, he came home with most of his lost money from Sunday night. He is playing tonight hoping to get ahead tonight.

Here we were at the ice cream social. It took about five draws before someone won, since a lot of people didn't show up. All losers get to buy their own ice cream.

Yesterday we drove back eight miles to Quartzsite. The month of January is when there is a 20 acre facility with free exhibitor and free customer parking.  It is called the " The largest gathering of RVs and RVers on Earth, with estimated attendance of 150,000 plus!

March is not the month to come here.

Note the Q on the mountain.

By the time we got to the rock and gem section at 4:00, everything was covered and closed for the day. We did find a few things at a previous section earlier that day.

Today we drove west a couple of miles to Blythe, CA. for groceries. Blythe CA. has a population of 20,817 as of the 2010 census. The city sits on the other side of the Colorado River. Blythe's elevation is at 272 ft.

After grocery shopping we crossed the border back into AZ. The high temperature today was 82 degrees. 

It was extremely windy and dusty today in Ehrenberg, AZ. and Blythe, CA.  See the two RV'ers parked out in the desert. There are a few boondockers here and there in the Quartzsite, and Ehrenberg area. 

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