Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Last Days at Colorado River Oasis Resort, Ehrenberg, AZ.


The 11 days at Colorado River Oasis Resort has gone very fast. We have had beautiful weather with no rain.
 Mallery had a trip to the Circle H Veterinary Hospital for a shot. She gets most of her shots in the fall when we get back to Cedar Rapids, IA. But because she is getting to be an old girl, I don't like to have her get too many shots at the same time. I spread them out, here and there and keep good records.One day I went to a chiropractor (All chiropractors tell me I have a, "wreck of a neck". In my early 20's I had a bad fall while water skiing. Then the added 15 years as a dental hygienist being bent over patients, finished me off! My neck problems as well as other health issues ended my hygiene career sooner than I had planned.)

Joe spent a few days on the roof of our Nest repairing old caulk.

You never get away from maintenance of your home, whether that be a home or a RV.

We did sit out on our patio a few afternoons when the temperatures got too hot inside. We took a 30 amp site so we would not have to pay an extra $3 a day for 50 amp. We can only use 1 of the air conditioners on 30 amp., which will cool us off, but we had a great breeze on our patio. I enjoyed some kick back, relaxing and reading. We need to do that more often!

I also had several walks down by the river with Mallery. They have a short trail to walk your dog to take care of business. She also got a much needed bath and hair cut this week.
We met our neighbor Larry and Barbi from Washington. They invited us over to look through their monster binoculars one evening. We could see four of  Jupiter's moons through their binoculars. We also got to see another galaxy 250 thousand light years away, which is the closest galaxy to ours. Larry if you read this, and any of my info is incorrect, please correct me in a comment.

Larry and Barbi also invited us to go with them Geocaching. I had no clue what Larry was talking about. I would have love to gone with them, but the finale of the Bachelors was going to be on at the time they were going. Joe also was planning on playing cards after dinner. Larry told us that Geocaching was kind of like a treasure hunt using GPS coordinates. The next day Joe and I walked across the street from our park to an old cemetery.

Cactus are just starting to bloom here. Look at that perfect heart cactus on the end!

The Ehrenberg Cemetery is one of the Geocaching locations. I registered on the free website at to see if Joe and I could find the cache on our own.

One of the clues was on this plaque on the monument.

Another clue was on the number of Daniel grave sites in the cemetery.

While Joe looked around, I tried to bring up my GPS coordinates on my smart phone.

I couldn't seem to figure it out, so I just took pictures instead.

We headed back across the street to our park,

and stopped to get a picture of the pool. They did have a water aerobic class here three times a week at 11AM, but I never manage to get there. The class didn't have an instructor. In the brochure it said to stop in at the office and pick up the DVD for the class. I should have gone up to see what kind of turn out there is with a DVD teacher.

The park has these cute little cabins to rent if you are a member.

The playground is located behind the clubhouse.

Joe played one last game of cards and got back to even tonight. The guy's at the activity center call him, "Iowa" while he plays Texas Hold-em.The Internet has been pretty slow here, so I am ready to hit the road again. We leave tomorrow for Bullhead City, AZ. for a week stay, then into Nevada.


  1. Nice reading your blog, and hope all is well. Your information was correct and we definitely enjoyed our visits with all of you. We hope to see you in Washington. We are in Palm Springs and enjoying the warmth and sun.

    Safe travels!
    Barbee, Larry and Sailor (the cat)

  2. Monika, you are so very welcome, anything to help another traveler!
