Sunday, May 6, 2012

Bass Lake Recreational Resort, CA.

                                    Sunday 4/22/2012

Our lot at Bass Lake was a pull-in, though we unhooked, because we were staying for 2 weeks, and thought it would be easier without the car behind us. Because we seldom get a pull-through, we had a harder time getting in right. I had to get Joe to back up several times to get us in the way we wanted to sit on the lot #32.

The first thing Joe likes to do when we arrive somewhere, is to get the lay of the land.

He likes to check out every building and see what is available to us. It is good for me, because I can take pictures of everything. It helps me to remember the place better when I blog the resort. It also helps fellow RVers to check out parks that they may want to stay at. This campground is avaiable to non-members when space is avaiable. The building to the right in the picture is the snack/ ice cream shop. The building to the left in the picture is the club house. These two buildings sit behind the pool. I also want to mention that Verison wireless does not have a good signal here as well as verison phone. Lucky for me the park provides parkwide internet signal that is fairly good most of the time; it is free and without it I would have gotten very far behind in my blogging. Phone service is almost nonexistant. Sometimes you can make a call or recieve a call but it only lasts a minute or two and then you lose the connection. You can walk 1/4 mile down to the village and get a little better signal there, but it gets old walking 1/4 mile down and 1/4 mile back just to make a call standing outside in the parking lot. 

The pool.   Mallery tries to pull Joe to the grass area in the morning on her walks, but dogs are not allowed in this area. What a tease for dogs!

Next to the snack shop is this gazebo.

Next to the gazebo, is an Adult/ Kid Center, with pool tables, and arcade machines.

The sign over the club house, The Turtle Inn.

A very nice club house with a big screen TV.

Next to the pool is a fire pit, because fires are not allowed at your lot, they have a fire Saturday nights. On weekends they also have pot luck dinners in the club house and ice cream social on Saturday. We skipped all three of these events this time. If you like bingo, it is played in the club house Saturday night also.

While walking around the resort, I couldn't help myself to stop and take a picture.

This resort does not except mail, so we had our mail sent to General Delivery in Bass Lake. We were told at the office that the Post Office was walking distance away.

We headed out the gate toward the Post office.

I really love the different looks and textures of bark on trees.

After being in Yosemite National Park, I found out this tree trunk design is a Ponderosa Pine Tree.

Two blocks away, we come to the small town center of  Bass Lake. The village of Bass Lake has a population of 527 as of the 2010 census. The village sits at 3,415 feet elevation.

It has a few shops, a tavern, and a registration for the Pines Resort, which is located behind this strip mall.

The strip mall has a small market for quick one or two things you run out of.

The Post Office is across from the strip mall.

We walked behind the strip mall to locate Bass Lake. This building on the hill is one of the Pine Resorts rentals. We had noted the balcony porch was build around the two pine trees, on this rental. What happens when the trunk grows larger?

The Pines Resort on Bass Lake, CA.

There is a restaurant at the Pines Resort called the Ducey's. Can't tell how good it is, because we have not been there.

Behind the Pines Resort is Bass Lake. You can rent all forms of water boats at the Pines Resort. Looking south on Bass Lake.

Looking north on Bass Lake.

The water looks pretty clear. The docks are private, so we could not go out far enough to see how deep you can go before not seeing the bottom.

Looking back at the Pines Resort. It was a cloudy day that day. We had our umbrella with us because rain was in the forecast.

Looking down shore from the Pines Resort.

We got our mail, and headed back toward home. Signs line the tree with people's last names. The homes along this road are summer homes and cottages.

Crab apple trees were in bloom.

We arrived at our gate back into our neighborhood of RVs. Bass Lake Recreational Resort is located 30 minutes to the southern gate of Yosemite National Park.

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