Saturday, May 5, 2012

Fresno's Farmer's Market To Bass Lake, CA.

                                 Saturday 4/21/2012

While still in Fresno, I got up early and headed out the door by 9 AM,

for the Farmers Market from 7 AM to noon. ( 9AM and out the door is early for me!)

There is a stand that had the best tamales. I would get up early every Saturday morning to get those tamales if I lived in Fresno.

I love going to Farmers Markets to get the local fresh produce.

Just some of the produce that we got. Cilantro, purple cauliflower, (which was yummy and beautiful to look at), carrots, and oranges.

                                   Monday 4/23/2012

We left Fresno, CA. and took Hwy. 41 North toward Bass Lake, CA.

The green foothills turned to rocky, green foothills and  a few trees.

Then we did some steep inclines.

Picture of Oakhurst, CA. below. The decent going into Oakhurst, was a long steep grade. " Joe are you using the Jake Brake?", is now my famous line.

Joe said he was glad we were not going out this way. We would burn a lot of diesel going up that mountain.


Oakhurst, CA. is located 8 miles south of Bass Lake, where we were headed.

Oakhurst is where we come when we needed groceries, while at Bass Lake. But on this drive, we drove on through Oakhurst and back up another mountain.

North of Oakhurst, we enter into the Sierra National Forest once again.

After a couple of turns, we almost miss our turn into Bass Lake Resort. The GPS said we had .02 miles to go. This sign is right after a curve also. If you are coming here to stay, don't depend on your GPS, and slow down, because the sign sneaks up on you real fast.

The drive coming in, is narrow and windy, and a bit confusing. Drive slow, and follow the signs. Registration office in picture above, as we approach.

This is where we are currently. The sites are very close to each other. Fortunately the park is not full, so we have some space between RVs. This is a ROD campground, so we are staying here free for two weeks. (Joe reminded me we had to pay $3 per day for electricity).

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