Friday, May 11, 2012

Glacier Point, Yosemite National Park, CA.

Wednesday 4/25/2012

Glacier Points main viewing area is a 1/4 of a mile walk from the parking lot.

This is a good place for lunch. You can't get a better view!

You can see Yosemite Falls from this point, as well as one quarter of the Yosemite National Park

You also can see almost all of the valley below.

This rock sticking out above the valley is called Overhang Rock, and stands at 7,200 feet elevation. Believe or not there is a picture of two women standing on it, from the early 50's or so on one of the information boards. I also saw a picture on the internet of some guy standing on it. Crazy people!

I am stand at the wall, and looking down. You can see how straight down the canyon walls are. Joe couldn't stay out next to the wall, because it make him feel weird. I don't know how he can drive down a mountain road, but he can not stand by this wall! I on the other hand, can stand here next to the wall and look down, but can't drive down the mountain road, without having anxiety!

Close up picture of Upper Yosemite Falls.

You get a great view of the winding Merced River,

and Ahwahnee Hotel.

You can see the swimming pool in Curry Village in the bottom of this picture.

Another view further to the right, of the sheer 3,214 drop down.

The Geology Hut is also located at Glacier Point.

In 1925 the Natural History Association built this Geology Hut as an observatory to educate visitors about Yosemite geology past.

Joe standing in front of the hut.

Standing on the balcony of the hut.

Joe standing below the hut and holding up that post!

View of Nevada and Vernal Falls from Glacier Point.

View to the east of Glacier Point.

Half Dome from Glacier Point.

Outdoors auditorium

Glacier Point has a concession building to get snacks. Looks like someone dropped their ice cream bar and the squirrels are enjoying their find.

Liberty Cap and Nevada Fall.

There are several trails that start at Glacier Point, with one taking you down to the valley floor. Because we are not staying in the park, we didn't have time to do a hike. Besides, I'd rather do hikes with more people than just Joe and I. I worry about bears too much to really enjoy myself.

A  High Sierra view.

Half Dome stands at 8,884 ft.

As we left Glacier Point, we could see Half Dome on that scary part of the drive.

We noticed cabins as we left.  I don't know if they are rentals or park employee housing.

The highest point on the drive is 7,803.

As we were driving back down, I saw this car pulled over, so I had Joe stop. This coyote was standing by the car looking for a hand out.

As we pulled up, it walked over to our car, and gave us this look, and then walked on by.

This was the other scary part of the drive.

But beautiful!

Before we got back to the main highway of the park, we stopped at one last pull out.

View of Merced River.

On the main highway 41, we turned toward Fresno/Bass Lake.

On the way out of the park, we stopped at Wawona Campground, which is located along Merced River. It is located 4 miles in from the South gate of the park.

The park looked pretty empty. Joe asked why the park told us they were full when we called about making reservations. 

The park ranger told Joe the campground is full every weekend through the summer. If we wanted to stay, we were welcome to stay Monday through Thursday. Maybe next time!


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