Thursday, May 10, 2012

Washburn Point, Yosemite National Park, CA.

Wednesday /25/2012

On our second  day drive in Yosemite, we decided to drive to Glacier Point. Right after we went through the South Entrance of the park, we took a left, like the last time we came to go to the valley.

After a 18 mile drive through some of the park, we turned right, shortly after going past the sign that says-Yosemite West.

From that point, it is another 16 miles of a curvy and up hill road.

At  one point I had Joe pull over to enjoy this view.

Don't pull off to close to the edge of the road though, because it is straight down!

Washburn is a must stop on the way to Glacier Point. Can you believe that view in the distance?

Views of the High Sierra's, WOW!

Nevada and Vernal Falls in the picture above.

One after another, a person climbed this rock to have their picture taken on it. I asked Joe, with a smile on my face, if he wanted his picture on the rock! Not for either of us.  We do just fine behind the rock wall!

View to the east.

Close up of Nevada Falls and Vernal Falls.

Nevada Fall drops 594 feet.

Vernal Fall drops 317 feet.

I saw another fall below, but didn't see any name or information about it.

I zoomed in on the fall in this picture.

Close up of previous picture.

Even if we didn't see Glacier Point and turned around here, the drive would have been worth it to see this view.

A group of people were standing around looking through their binoculars.

I asked a guy what they were all looking at.

He told me that there were some rock climbers on Half Dome. He tried telling me where they were, when looking through our binoculars.

This picture has been cropped several times to get this picture. There is a white line running up and down with four very small black dots on the white line. Those are the 4 rock climbers. I wish we had had our zoom lens on that day, but I didn't.

The man had told me to look for a white line just left to the eye brows on Half Dome. I told him I didn't see a white line, but a nose below the eye brows.

He told me to look left of the nose, and I found them. I don't know how he saw them in the fist place!

Time to check out Glacier Point.

As we backed the car out of the parking lot, I took one last picture of someone poising for the boulder shot. We wondered how many pictures are taken each year on that rock.

This curve in the road was a bit scary!

Sure glad the scary part was real short!

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