Sunday, June 10, 2012

Harmony Ridge Resort, Nevada, CA.

Sunday 5/20/2012

We are still in Duncans Mills, CA. and the internet is very slow. Too slow to upload pictures. When Joe and I are out sightseeing, we find a spot that has a stronger signal, and try to do internet stuff, including uploading pictures. 

We decided to stay at Harmony Ridge Resort in Nevada City because it is a ROD Resort.

We can stay at ROD resorts for up to two weeks free, if space is available

We were given a very nice site. It sits with the forest behind it, and one small and one large hill on the sides, which means no close neighbors. 

When Joe called before we arrived, the office told him to go to our site first and set up and then stop at the office.

While Joe hooked up the water and sewer, Mallery and I walked around and took pictures.

After setting up, we walked down the hill looking for the office.

The Club House is located on the upper level of this building.

It took us a long time, but we finally found the office on the bottom floor in the back corner of the main building.

This is the back of the building, and Joe was still looking for the office.
While Joe registered, I continued around the main building, and found Flowers!

I peaked into the Club House. We spent some time in here, because there is free WiFi. We didn't have a strong signal at our site. I walked to the other side of the room,
and went outside to the upper deck.

I went back through the Club House and back outside. (Next picture and caption should have been above this one)

From the upper deck you can see the pool/volley ball area. ( This is the second blog I have done on this campground. I have been having problems with blogger. If I have to add a picture in, that I forgot, which I did with the previous picture, when I add the caption, the picture jumps to a different spot in the blog. So if some pictures seem to be out of order, this is why. I had to scrap a whole blog that I spent an hour or more on, because when I uploaded the pictures they all went in in the wrong order. So i tried to copy and paste them back in the right order, Whe I added the captions the pictures jumped again to the wrong place. I am about ready to pull my hair out. This seems to be a new problem I have never encountered before, and don't know why it is happening. Help anyone!)
I left the Club House and went back outside.
Very nice deck area on the other side of the Club House.
A fire pit to the right of the deck area.
A dock out to the gazebo in the middle of a pond.
You can rent cabins or a tents.

I turned around and headed back to go back to the office.

A totem pole is located behind the main building.
Lower deck in front of the office.
Joe and I walked down to the pool.
There is a jacuzzi behind the pool.
The hill we had to climb up to get back to our site is a good exercise class in it's self!  ( At least for these two old dogs)

The campground is very nice. The only thing bad about it was there were tons of these spider webs everywhere!

The campground does seem to have a drainage problem.
Almost up the hill and back to our Nest.

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