Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Healdsburg and Sanoma, CA.

                               Thursday 6/6/2012

We decided to visited the town of Healdsburg while in Duncans Mills, CA. Our route to this town from Duncans Mills was NE. We had to cross this single wide car bridge.
There were vineyards after vinyards until we reached Healdsburg. If we had stopped for wine tasting at them all, we never would have made it to Healdsburg!
Healdsburg has a population of 11,254. We just missed the jazz festival.
The town has wine tasting, dining, art galleries and upscale boutiques.
I bought this dog booster car seat for Mallery in a pet boutique. I have been wanting to buy one of these for ages. She usually sits in my lap and I would attached her leash to my seat belt. Her new car seat is perfect because it lifts her up so she can see out the front window between us, and she feels close to us. When she gets tired, she lays down and puts her chin on the edge of the seat and looks at us or closes her eyes for a siesta.
The town of Healdsburg is centered around a 19th century plaza. The plaza is also a WiFi hotspot. We spent some time, while in the town doing some internet business. It was abeautiful day, so sitting in the car while on the internet was not a problem that day. There were shops surrounding the plaza/central park. I could have spent another day enjoying the little town, but we didn't have time. The town is one of northern California's wine capitals. It sits in the middle of three of the most important wine producing regions of the Sonoma Valley.

                                    Friday 6/7/2012

The next day we drove to the town of Sonoma. I saw this design on a building in Santa Rosa on our way to Sonoma.
The drive from Duncans Mills, CA. to Sonoma, CA. went past winery after winery, and was a 1 hour and 22 min. drive.
I wanted to go to the Farmers Market that was in Sonoma that day, but because we didn't know how long it would take to get there, we missed it by 20 minutes.
Not sure want this is, but I saw it in a yard on the way to Sonoma. A giant sprinkler?

The town of Sonoma is centered around a 2 block central park.

Harvest Home is one of the shops I stopped in at in Sonoma.
I really like this picture,but I have no place for it at this time. I would like to have a couple of goats some day. Goat stuff is hard to find. You can find cow, pigs, horses, and chicken stuff, but not goat stuff!

It cost $80. Maybe someday I will have one delivered to me.
I took this picture for my Nana Girl, Hayleah. She use to make pop can tabs braclets. Joe bought for Christmas one year a box of 200 of them for her. "Hayleah, you can make belts and purses also"!
Off from the shops around the square, there were some enterways into courtyards.
A murul on a building of Sonoma Valley.
A young lady playing a guitar and singing in one of the courtyards.
Lot's of fun  and unique shops in Sonoma. One in particular was very expensive. It had table cloth napkins that were 4 for $120.00. I definately was out of my legue in that shop!
Leaving one of the enterways that took us into one of the courtyards.
The enterway had these murals on the inside walls,
with this textured vine flowered and grape walls.
The Mission San Francisco Soland is just off the square of the town.
An interesting tree in the central park.

It had long branches with short pine ball bristles.
The Sebastiani Theattre was built in 1933 by the Sebastiani wine growing family. The town of Sonoma has a population of 11,648.
The central park was being used by many people that day.

Sonoma City Hall is located in the middle of the central park. This was a very cute town, and worth spending a day or two here. Joe like always got very bored with the shopping.

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