Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sonoma Coastline/South of Jenner, CA. Part 1

                                    Sunday 6/10/2012

On the last day at Duncans Mills we took a drive along the coast, but this time south of Jenner. Before we arrived at Jenner, we headed south crossing the Russian River.

At the top of the hill, Joe spotted a vender park on the side of the road selling some smoke salmon.
The first beach that we came to was Goat Rock Sonoma Coast State Beach.

Views while driving from Hwy.1 into Goat Rock State Park Beach.

Views while driving into the State Park.

View of Goat Rock Beach from road above.

Goat Rock Beach

Dogs are not allowed on Goat Rock Beach.

Looking south from Goat Rock Beach. There is no charge to use the beach.

Wild flowers along the sand dunes behind the beach.

Mr. Gull posing for a picture, and hoping for some food.

We parked in Blind Beach parking lot and enjoyed our lunch with this view,

as the waves crashed apon the beach.

There were surfer at Blind Beach.

Dogs are allowed on a leash on Blind Beach.
As we left,, I took another picture of Goat rock beach from high above.

I love the colors of the Pacific Ocean.
At the top of the hill above Goat Rock and Blind Beach, there is information about the territory of Mountain Lions in California. The yellow and orange on the map shows where Moutain lions roam. We were in Mountain Loin territory.
There is also information about the trails that are along the coastline. We wished we had come here the first day, so we could have fit in a few trails while we were there.
This map shows all the beaches south of the Russian River outlet.

View south of Blind Beach and Arched Rock
Close up of previous picture.
View of Goat Rock with Goat Rock Beach north of it and Blind Beach to the south of it.
Below is where we parked for lunch and enjoyed views of Goat Rock Beach.

The next beach we visited was Shell Beach.

Views as we walked down the stairs to the beach.
Focus on the wild flowers.

Joe and Mallery on the path to the beach. Dogs are allowed on Shell Beach also.
It was quite a walked down to get to the beach.
Almost there!
" I'm hot mom, let go back to the car"!

It was a beautiful day, not too hot or too cold. Just right! For Mallery it was too hot! To be continued:

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