Sunday, July 8, 2012

Hwy. 101 from Willits to Klamath, CA.

Thursday 6/14/2012

The day before we left Willits, CA., we saw this sign in Willits. If you do not want to do the drive, like we did in our car, you can take the Skunk Train to the coast. The fare from Willits to Fort Bragg is $79 one way. You will have to spend the night on the coast to catch the train back to Willits the next day. For  more information on all their train rides you can go to

We left Willits, CA. to Klamath, CA. in our Nest for our next new neighborhood. The picture above was just something I saw while we were on Hwy. 101.

Our drive to Klamath was 153 miles that day. Hwy 101 alternated back and forth from a divided hwy. to a two lane hwy.

On our way we went past Confusion Hill in Piercy, CA.
We didn't stop because we didn't know what it was all about. If you want to stop there on your drive on Hwy. 101, here is some information about their attractions.
You can also stop at the World Famous Tree House in Piercy, CA. It is a 4000 year old redwood tree that was burned out in the base of the tree and a house was built in the hole.

The World Famous Tree House is mentioned in the Ripley's Believe It or Not. We didn't stop, because here again we didn't know anything about it and when we are traveling, we are too big to stop and park just anywhere. The Tree House is free to go in. Here is some more information about the Tree House at

The roads were good,
but we did come to a part of the route that went through large redwoods 
that were REAL close to the road.
We zoomed by another stopping place, as I tied to get a picture. On a review of  The Legend Of Bigfoot, everyone said it is a must stop! Darn, I hate it when we are traveling in the bus and we can't stop. The reviews said it is a collection of giant redwood carvings and a great place for Kodak moments. They also said it had a nice gift shop. If you are not too big, it's near Garberville, CA. on Hwy.101.
Crossing the Eel River.
I was glad Joe was driving. I would have had an anxiety attacking if I was driving our big rig across this narrow bridge.

As we drove into Eureka, CA., I thought of a blog reader who lives here. She has left some of the sweetest comments on my blog. When she has health treatments at a clinic, she reads our blog. She also says she has made some financial changes because of Joe's philosophy on wealth. That has made Joe very happy that he has influenced someone to be more financially set,
We stopped at the K-Mart in Eureka, CA. to park and make lunch. It is located right off Hwy. 101, just as you enter Eureka.
As we left Eureka I wanted to say a BIG Goodbye to Leslie, and hope her treatments are helping her to feel better.
Another stop we had to go on by!
North of Eureka we climb a steep hill. At the top of the bluff, there was a great view out the window above the couch.
As we descended the bluff, we entered the Redwood National and State Park.

15 more miles to our final destination.

We climbed the Klamath Mountains to 1,503 feet for some nice views.
Just south of Klamath, CA. ( pop. 779 ), we took exit 768, to the Klamath Beach Road
to Klamath River RV Park.
 We are still in Junction City, Oregon. We have been here for a week, getting some motorhome service work done. We will be here for one more week, before we head back to the coast. The weather has turned hot, with a high of 88 degrees today. That is still much cooler than what most of  you all are having. Mallery has had two bad days because of the heat. Friday we took her out with us. We had gone to a nearby motorhome sales lot and were looking at some inside. A sales person was talking to us too long and Mallery got too warm, and started to panting. Her trachea is so fragile it doesn't take much to cause her real problems. We left her home yesterday, to give her a rest. When we came home, she was much better.  She wanted to play ball ( she doesn't realize it can cause her problems ), and against my better judgment, I threw it for her a few times. Then we had to take her out at 5:00 to take care of business and she overheated again. Now she is wheezing again. As I was writing this she was sleeping next to me, and the the wheezing is better. Earlier that night though, her wheezing was so bad that Joe could hear her out in the living room, while he was in the bedroom with his TV on and bedroom door shut. I also had the TV on in the living room. It is so hard to leave her home because she wants to be with us all the time, which is one of the traits of Yorkies. I always worry about the air going off for some reason on hot day in the Nest. RV's get very hot like cars when all closed up, if there is no air conditioning on.

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