Friday, July 6, 2012

Pacific Coast North Of Fort Bragg & Chandelier Tree

Monday 6/11/2012

We left Point Cabrillo Light Station, just north of Mendocino, CA., and continued north. Just up from the light station is the Caspar Beach RV Park.
It is directly across from a beach cove.

I checked Mallery in the back seat and she looked like she might take a nap. It had been a long day for her.

In a few minutes she was up again. She normally naps off and on during the day. When she goes with us on day adventures, she has a hard time getting her naps in.
At Fort Bragg, we had a decision to make. We could either go back the way we came ( on Hwy. 20,  the long constant S curves road), or continue north on Hwy. 1 a few miles and catch the next road going east and hope it was not as curvy.
Fort Bragg has a population of 6,963, and had a lot of business. It is the main business district for this coast area.
Hwy. 1 followed the coastline off  and on for the next 25 miles.
Note the home on the cliff point.
The highway took us through a grove of trees.
It started to mist at this point.
We were told not to get to Northern California or Oregon until July because the weather is cool and rainy. Unfortunately, if we waited for July, we would never get to see Washington, our furthest destination, before we head east and back to Iowa.

As we drove I saw these big black birds on the utility wires. I had Joe turn around so I could get a picture of them.
There was no place to stop on the Hwy., so I had to get the picture on the fly. I believe they are Turkey Vultures.
As we continued our drive the fog seemed to get worse.
We went past the Westport Beach KOA, just north of Westport Beach State Park.
At the top of a hill we looked down at the KOA on a little beach cove.
There were a couple of tenters on the beach.
Further up the road was the Westport Union Landing State Park Campground.
After the 25 mile drive going north up the coast on Hwy. 1 or Shoreline Hwy., the road turns east.
There are no highways along the coast from here to Eureka, CA., only secondary roads.
Hwy. 1 connects and turns into Hwy. 101 at Leggett, CA, going north or south.

Unfortunately Hwy. 1 from the coast to Leggett is just as curvy, and slow back to Hwy. 101. This is a view when we reach the highest point on Hwy. 1or Shoreline Hwy.
South Fork Eel River Bridge built in 1944.
At Leggett, CA., we turned south on Hwy.101, toward Willits, CA. We had seen signs for the, "World Famous Drive Through a Tree", for than last 10 miles on Hwy. 1, so I told Joe we should check it out.
The tree is the Chandelier Tree, which is privately owned in Leggett, CA.  It is a redwood tree, and stands at 315 feet tall, and is at least 2400 years old.
The price was $5, which I thought was well worth being able to say, Joe, Malley and our Honda drove through a redwood tree.
Our Honda had plenty of room.
There was a small crowd that watched as cars drove though. Someone in the crowd said," Oh look the dog is watching too, as they drives through the tree".
This SUV had a much tighter fit as he drove through the tree.
There is a gift shop also at the Chandelier Tree, if you have time to browse.
The drive from Leggett, CA. south, to our campground on the north side of Willits, CA., was another 24 miles.
This is a picture of a painted garage we went past in one of the small towns on our way home. There are lots of artist along the coast of California. Our total mileage on our day adventure that day was 153 miles.


  1. Would have loved to see your pictures/comments about Willits as am considering moving there! Enjoyed all the others, and Mallery, too. Thanks

    1. Hi Anonymous, I remember we drove into Willits and walked around and stopped at a shop or two. If there is anything about the town it would be a blog written before this one. God Bless on your decision whether to move to Willitis or not.
