Thursday, July 5, 2012

Point Cabrillo Light Station, Mendocino, CA.

Monday 6/11/2012

On our way back to Fort Bragg, CA. we stopped to see the Point Cabrillo Light Station.
It is a bit of a hike through a grass field to get to it.

Mallery was not keen on the walk, so I ended up carrying her or dragging her along. I think there must have been some sand burs that were causing her to walk slow. I finally let her off her leash and watched her, so as if she decided to take care of business, I could pick up after her.

The trail takes you to the ocean, and then we had to walk south to the light station.

We could hear sea lions off in the distants to the north. If we had time,we would have walked that direction to see if we could see them.

Point Cabrillo Light Station in the distance.

All blog posts must have a flower picture in them to brighten your and my day!

When I carried Mallery, she wiggled in my arms until I put her down. Even if she doesn't preferr the landscape path, she still wants to walk on her own.

Just before we got to the light station we came to this cove.

I spotted this squirrel and watched him/her for a while. He/she watch me, so I continued on.
Joe pointed out a hole in the wall of the cove that was taking in and spitting out water. We wonder how deep the cave was!

Close up of the cave.
Joe went inside as I waited outside with Mallery.
Soon, one of the light station workers invited me in. I told her I had a dog, and I was fine, but she said my dog was welcome also.
On the wall inside I read how Mindy minds the store several days a week with her mom and dad to help run the cash register. The nice lady also got a treat for Mallery. This was a first! Mallery has never been allowed in a light station.
This is a picture of the Fresnel lens that is used in the Cabrillo Light Station. It produces a flash anywhere on the horizon every 10 seconds. It was built by Chance Brothers in England and is only one of three operating in the United States.

We saw that there was another route back to the parking lot which took us past these homes. The fisrt house we walked by was the 2nd assistants Lightkeepers house that has not yet been restored. It was not open to the public. This house in the picture above, was originally the Head Lightkeepers home. It was restored in 2005 and is used as a family rental vacation house. For more information, you can visit their web site at or

This was the 1st Assistant Lightkeepers Home. The lower floor is a meuseum and is as it was in 1909. We did not visit it because we didn't have enough time.
We walked back up the road to get back to our car. No cars are allowed on this road except for the Point Cabrillo Light Stations rangers/volunteers, and anyone staying in the vacation Head Lightkeepers House. Mallery liked her walk along the paved road much better. She's such a princess!
The road had exhibit information plaques along the road to give you a rest or to entertain you along the long walk back to the parking lot.

To be Continued:

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