Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Mendocino, CA.

                                   Monday 6/11/2012

While staying in Willits, CA., we wanted to take a drive back to the coast.
We took Hwy.20 across the Coastal Range. This is a view from above looking toward the coast before we started our trek.
From Hwy 101 to Hwy 1 was only 30 miles, but the drive took just about an hour. The roads were constant curves all the way to the coast. That is not an exaggeration!
After driving through Fort Bragg, CA., we turned south to Mendocino, CA.
The town had some fun looking shops, so I told Joe I wanted to get out and walk around. When we left Willits, it was hot, so I had put on shorts. In Mendocino, it was cloudy and cool. It is always colder on the west coast. I left Mallery in the car, since it was so cool out. In the 3rd shop I was drawned to the jean rack. The shop was an expensive boutique. The jeans that I was looking at had a very soft feel and the owner told me that they were the only jeans Oprah now wears. I tried them on and they were as compfy as they felt. I walked out of Blooming, the boutique, wearing a
 $129.00 pair of Miracle Body Jeans on. I have never bought a pair of jeans that even come close to that price. The tag on the jeans said they made you look 10 lbs lighter in 10 seconds. They did make me look lighter, and I was warm to boot!
While I was shopping, Joe took some pictures. This is a sculpture on top of the Masonic Hall or Temple, built in 1866. The sculpture is called the Time and The Maiden. Here is more information I found out about it -  Also known as Father Time and the Virgin, the sculpture incorporates a book and a fallen column and has become a local landmark. While its exact symbolic meaning is shrouded in Masonic secrecy, one Mason has interpreted its meaning as "Time, patience and perseverance will accomplish all things." It has been used often as the location for movies and TV series such as Murder She Wrote (1984-1996) with Angela Lansbury and two episodes of The Fugitive (2001), with Tim Daly

Joe also took this picture. It looks to me either a home or a resort that looks like a light house.
The sun came out about 15 minutes before I got back to the car. I started to worry about Mallery, but I was at the end of the street, and wanted to check out one more shop. When I opened the car door, Mallery was panting heavily. I got her out of the car and in the shade. I was a terrible mother that day and left horrible. I got her some water, and promised her I would never do that again! ( I did have the windows cracked, but not enough. I didn't want anyone stealing my baby)

We left Mendocino and drove south to Mendocino Bay Lookout. Dogs are allowed on a leash.
I had Joe stop the car on the way to the lookout, and I hopped out for a picture. I sat down in the gravel to get a picture of the golden grasses with the blue sea. When I got back to the car, I knew exactly what I was going to hear. " I can't believe you just sat down in gravel with your new expensive jeans on" Joe exclaimed!. I know my husband!

The town of Mendocino on the north side of the bay.
A beach in Mendocino Bay.
The beach was really nice, because there was a sand bar out from the beach creating a shallow pool for children to play in, and not having to worry about the pounding surf.

Three private beaches further north from the big beach created by nature.

We drove further south to Albion, CA., than turned around. On the way back toward Mendocino, we go past another grove of Eucalyptus Trees and their strong smell.

A fog was starting to roll in from the Pacific.
This wa a cute inn I saw as we drove south, so on our way back north I took a picture of it.
It is called the Little River Inn. I really like this small town and wouldn't mind coming here someday when we stop RVing.
Mendocino has a population of 1107 and was established in 1852.
When we got back into Mendocino, we found another street of shops we totally missed.
Unfortunately for me, and fortunately for Joe, we were out of time.
We drove out to the Mendocino Headlands State Park.
There are trails along the coast in the state park.
From the point, we looked back toward town and watched the fog roll in.
There were several cute cottages in town.

I loved the detail on these two homes.

The Blair House was built in 1888. This victorian home is a Bed and Breakfast and has a ocean view. You can read more about this B&B here

Our last stop in Mendocino, was at Harvest at Mendosa's. This store has a great selection of organic fruits and veggie's.

To be continued:

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