Sunday, July 1, 2012

Sleepy Hollow RV Park, Willits, CA.

Sunday 6/10/2012

On our last night at Duncans Mills, CA., we decided to drive the 4 miles to the coast for a sunset. Unfortunately we missed it by a few minutes. This is a view of the Russian River going out to the Pacific.

                                         Monday 6/11/2012

 It was time to head north, so we got back on to Hwy. 101 from Duncans Mills. We drove past the Alexander area  of the wine country. We wanted to do the loop drive there, because it is suppose to be the most scenic  drive in the Sonoma wine country area, but as I have said before, there never is enough time to see everything!
On Hwy. 101, we got back to the golden hills for a short distance.

We did climb a bit, but only to 1,935 feet.
The drive was fairly short at 71 miles north to
Willits, CA.
Our campground was 8 miles north of Willits,CA., right off of Hwy. 101. The entrance of the park is right after a curve in the Hwy., so you have to keep your eyes open, or you will miss the turn into the park.

The park gets a star for sign directions as soon as we entered into the park. We hate it when parks don't have clear sign directions.
This was the office. Not hard to find, because there were no other buildings in the park except for the bath/shower room.
Another sign at the office. This park is a self serve campground. When you make your reservation on the phone the guy has you send a check to him by mail. When you arrive, he has directions posted on the office door, which site is yours. This is a Pasport America campground. We paid 1/2 price at $15  a day.
The park consists of one loop. We found our site and got settled in.
There are only like 10 sites in the park. Sleepy Hollow sits at the bottom of a hill and between mountains. Joe had read from other reviews it was almost impossible to get a satellite signal. I thanked God ahead for the satellite signal he was going to bless us with. Joe spent almost 2 hour moving around our portable satalite dome, trying to get a signal. It was 4:40 and my Monday night favorite show was coming on at 5:00. ( 7:00 shows that we normally watch in Central Time Zone come on at 5:00 in the Pacific Time Zone. It is a real drag). Joe was about to give up, and call it quits. It came to me to have Joe put the dome on top of the Nest. Once Joe spent hour trying to find a signal, and finally found one when he put the old tri-pod on a picnic table. When I asked him to put the dome on the Nest, he agreed to try. I handed it up to him, and it went into search mode. After about 5 minutes, it had not received a signal, so I asked Joe to move it around on the roof. He said it would not make a difference, and it was just going to be more work for him,climbing up the ladder to the roof again, but he would do it if that's what I wanted. I went inside, and he went back up the ladder, At 4:55, the TV came on and I ran outside and told Joe we had a signal. I also told Joe him he should always listen to his wife! God is so Good to us!
The portable satellite dome on the roof.
Later on I took  Mallery for a walk, I checked out the office/club house. There was a TV in it, but the door was locked. Good thing I got my signal, because I couldn't have watch in the locked club house!
Shower house. 
Joe said the shower room was very clean.
There is a small pond across from the office/club house. At dusk you hear hundreds of frogs crocking. Mallery was afraid to go out before bed, to do her duty because of the new and strange sounds.

1 comment:

  1. I also stopped here last year for a quick overnight. I am planning on staying again this August. I would only stay for a pit stop but with the Passport America you can't beat the price!!
