Sunday, July 1, 2012

Sonoma Coastline/South Of Jenner, CA. Part 3

Sunday 6/10/2012

I left off in my last blog at Duncans Landing. These next pictures are still at Duncans Landing. A cove below for private sunbathing.

Waves coming between the boulders.

Some picnic tables at Duncans Landing.

View looking back inland.

Homes across the road on Hwy.1.

Coastline wild flowers almost done blooming.

It was so pretty on this drive and especially at Duncans Landing.

Sorry so many pictures of this area, but I had a hard time choosing between them.

Off to the other side of Duncans Landing was another small private cove. Note the three people sitting on the edge of the cliff looking down.

Now you can see them better.

Just down from Duncans Landing is Duncans Cove. Dogs are allowed on Duncans Cove on a leash. And don't forget to pick up after them, so we can continue to have these privileges.

Views from Duncans Cove.

A close up revealed some homes have been washed to sea.

Erosion where homes use to be.

Further south from the empty lots were homes right on the edge.

Another view of the erosive area.

Next is Poruguese Beach.

Dogs are also allowed on Portuguese Beach.

Carmet Beach.

 The beaches are one after another between the coves and boulders. Dogs are allowed on Carmet Beach as well. Dogs are also allowed on Furlong Gulch, Schoolhouse Beach (which was closed that day), and Marshall Gulch, all of which we did not stop at that day.

The stairs at Carmet Beach are pretty steep.

Not a good beach for the elderly.

We came to a spot where the beach  had no boulders.

This is Miwok Beach and was the largest of all the beaches.

We stopped at Bodega Dunes Campground.

Campsites are $35.00 a night. Not too many sites for big rigs. The sites did not have water views either.

We entered into the village of Bodega Bay that has a population of 950.

Patricks Salt Water Taffy catches your eye as you drive through.

Bodega Coast Inn had a couple of sculptured shrubs that were cute.

Looking across Bodega Bay.

The marina in Bodega Bay.

Mallery was worn out, so we head back up the coast for home.

Back at home we got our pictures taken just outside the entrance of Duncans Mills Camping Club. We had been meaning to get pictures of the bears in the village of Duncans Mills, but had always been too busy. We were leaving the next day, so we made a point of it that day.

The Blue Heron was having a cookout and band that day in Duncans Mills.

Because it was 4:30, we missed out on the food. The cookout ended at 4:00.

But the music was still going on. We could hear it from our Nest, so we walked up for the pictures and to check out the action.

Across the street from the Blue Heron and village area is the Russian River Rodeo Grounds. A rodeo was going on one day while we were there, but we had other plans.

Accross the street in the other direction were a few more shops and a market. We never had time to check them out. Darn!

Because Duncans Mills had an old train station, we could not miss taking a picture of Joe by an old train car, since he worked for a RR company all his working years.

This little guy  was hanging out, so I asked if I could take his picture. It looked like he had got his tail caught in something, that left a permanent bend in it. When I got too close he raised himself up and down, like he was doing push up. I guess that was suppose to scare me away.

This use to be part of the old RR station, but now it houses the Parks and Recreation Department.

Under the eves were Swallow nest.

Most of the nests had their occupants in them.

After a few pictures we walked back into the campground and called it a day.   

We are currently in Oregon. We will be traveling to Junction City, OR. tomarrow to have some work done on our Nest. We hear the rest of the US is having a heat wave. The west coast is the only place that is not included in that heat wave. We have been having mid to high 60 weather on the coast. ( My spell check does not seem to be working on my blogger for some dumb reason lately, and Joe has gone to bed. He usually does a blog check for me. I am just saying... if there are misspelled word.... sorry. Blame it on Blogger!

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