Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Depoe Bay, OR

Thursday 7/26/2012

From Chinook Bend RV Resort we wanted to check out the towns and scenic stops, south of Lincoln City. When we went to Junction City for our RV work, we missed the coastal section from Florence to Lincoln City.  First stop Boiler Bay.

Looking north from Boiler Bay.Couldn't see much so I got out my zoom lens.

A little better picture of the coast and fog.

Zooming in a little more.


Joe and others with binoculars at Boiler Bay.

There were several boats out in the bay looking for something.

We looked also,but didn't see anything.

Later found out they were whale watcing boats.

Flying brown pelicans.
I got bored with not seeing anything on the water and found a wild flower.
Just down the road further we entered into the town of Depoe Bay.
We found a place to park on the main shopping and bay area of Depoe Bay.
I told Joe there was just one shop I wanted to visit. While I was in that one shop, Joe strolled down the street. When we met back up again, he told me about a chowder shop that had free samples.
After a sample, we decided to share a cup of the chowder.
The Bay Walk Cafe didn't look like much, but the clam chowder was very good. It was a extremely creamy clam chowder. Yum!
Joe liked the sign, " Soon To Be Famous"
After our snack of chowder we walked down the street to Depoe Bay's Harbor.
Looking down to the world's smallest harbor of Depoe Bay.

After being in Depoe Bay, we found out that this area has what they call resident gray whales that stay there all summer. There are several whale watching busineses in the area. The price was $18 for one adult for a hour or $30 for 2 hours. We had Mallery with us, but Tradewinds in Depoe Bay said we could bring her along. We chose to skip it because Mallery would not enjoy the ride.
We crossed the street in Depoe Bay and looked under the Depoe Bay Historic Bridge designed by the famous architect Conde McCullough, who has designed many other Oregon bridges.

We watched the whale watching boat go out. We could have been on that boat.

Next to the bridge is the Depoe Bay Whale Center. We took turns going in to check out the information on whales.( Mallery couldn't go in).
Outside the Whale Center was this board with how many whales had been spotted each month. 47 whales had been seen for the month of July so far.
We continued south on Hwy. 101 and stopped at Rocky Creek.
Views south,


and north.
We found a path to walk on, so we took it to see where it went too. Mallery needed to walk also.



We walked past an artist painting an ocean scenery.

A lot of kelp (I think),

and moss on the rocks below.

View at the end of the path.

A cove with carved out holes in the sea wall.

A private beach if you can find a way to get down there.
We headed back to the car.

Picnic tables and benches were also located along the path at Rock Creek.

To be continued:



  1. Good pictures. Beautiful cliffs.

    1. Thank you Anonymous. The Oregon coastline is beautiful!
