Monday, August 27, 2012

Chinook Bend RV Resort, Lincoln City, OR.

                             Wednesday 7/25/2012

We were scheduled to stay at Neskowin Creek RV Resort for two weeks, but the day we arrived the office said there was a problem with our reservations. They told Joe our first week there was with our ROD membership, but our 2nd week was with our Coast To Coast membership and you can not back up ROD and CTC next to each other. They told us there has to be a week between the stays. The reservation phone company took it, but I guess they should not have.When you join these memberships, they never tell you all these rules. I swear the manual would be as big as our new health care reform manual if it was written up for members to read. Just a warning to those who sign up for memberships with ROD and CTC, there is a lot that is not told to you at the presentation. As we go along we learn more and more of the their rules.

If we stayed longer than a week at Neskowin with ROD ( which we can stay up to 2 weeks for free) then we would have to stay out of the ROD system for a week. We found another CTC just south of Lincoln City and were Blessed enough to get in, with a one week notice of the problem. So we left Neskowin and headed south for about 20 miles for our next destination. The drive took about 30 minutes because you take Hwy. 101 through Lincoln City. Outside of Lincoln City you pass the Siletz Bay. The bay was at low tide and without water as we drove by.

A line of house's that have the Pacific Ocean to their front and  the Siletz Bay to their back. I wanted to investigate this area more, but there never is enough time.

At the small community of Kernville, we turned east and drove a few miles along the Siletz River.

 Siletz River

I spend a lot of evenings in the club house using the Chinook Bend RV Resorts free WiFi that week. We could not get any internet in our Nest. The management team were great host with free offerings of popcorn and one evening a fresh home baked chocolate cookie right out from the oven.

The campground is down this long road next to the Siletz River. If you look to the left of this picture you will see a Southwind RV the same year and color as our nest #1.

Escort service to our site.

Chinook Bend welcome sign.

Joe was happy, they gave us a site with room to stretch.

It's not that we don't like neighbors, we just like a little privacy.

There were still plenty of open spaces, and they were not full. Even though there are open spaces, campgrounds can only guaranty so many sites for ROD, CTC and Thousand Trails memberships. So a campground can still have lots of spaces open, but not to the membership clubs.

I walked Mallery around as Joe got us set up.

Camp store that carries bait, tackle, wine beer, and other essentials.

Nice deck along the river.

1/2 covered and the 1/2 uncovered.

Docks to hook up your boat.

But there is a $8 boat launching fee.

Docks for fishing from.

Fish cleaning sinks

Mallery checking out the water.

You can rent kayak and fishing boats at the resort.

In January of this year, Oregon got a ton of rain and many rivers flooded, including the Siletz River.

Joe said the bathrooms were pretty clean, and better than most.

Riverfront lots.

After checking out the neighborhood, we drove back down the road two mile to where we had seen a sign on the way to the campground.

A sign said road not for RVs. Definitely not for RVs

In the parking lot a customer drove up in this car.

I asked her if I could take a pictures. She said the decoration is called, "car art" and is getting pretty popular. The art is done all with plastic caps.

The Barking Dog Farm was as neat as a  pin. The owner, David, told us he has a weed team that comes in and weeds the gardens for free food. What a great idea!


It also had some of the best tasting fruit and vegetables I have had in a long time. A bit pricey, but worth clean, fresh flavorful food!
Some vegetables he picks right from the garden as needed.

His wife is an artist and does metal art.

Some of his wife's art work.

To get to the farm, go south of Lincoln City on Hwy. 101 to Siletz Hwy. Go a mile to his sign on the left hand side. His hours are Wednesday thur Saturday 10am-6pm. Sunday 10am- 2pm.

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