Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Lincoln City Beach & Neskowin, OR.

Saturday 7/21/2012

Lincoln City is just a few miles south of Neskowin on Hwy. 101. As we drove into the town  with a population of about 8,000 people, the welcome sign told us that Lincoln City is "A Great Place To Try New Things".
We made a quick stop at "D' River Beach Wayside first.

View to the north,

and to the south.

I still was not feeling up to par, so I made an appointment with a Dr. in Lincoln City at the Bayshore Family Medicine. I wanted to have some blood tests done to see if maybe things were out of balance, and it would give me a clue of what was causing me to feeling so dizzy. Unfortunately the Dr. didn't think it would show anything, and thought I might have a virus that would run it's course or I had Benign Paroxysmal Position Vertigo (BPPV). Basically with BPPV the little stones that are in your ear get in the wrong places in your ear and make you dizzy. He laid me back from a sitting position and then turned my head to the right, to try to throw the stones into the right position. It didn't work, but he told me to do that several times to see if it would help. I got on the internet and it said blood test should be done to rule out other things before BPPV could be made the diagnosis. Well, I still have the dizziness and a bill for $187.00. He did send me home with a prescription that would dope me up so I could handle the dizziness better. What a wonderful choice, Doped up or Dizzy! I tried to find someone else to go to while at our last stay in Long Beach, WA., but the Dr's. would not see traveling patients for anything beyond flu's and colds. I am hoping to find someones else while we are in Ocean Shores WA. who will do some blood work. I could go to the hospital, but I have one last payment for the hospital trip I made when we were in the Outer Banks last summer, when I was having severe cramps. ( They couldn't find out what was wrong with me then either. When I got back to Cedar Rapids, my GYN Dr. told me I had a large Fibroid). It might come down to going to the hospitol, if I can't find a Dr. who will do the blood work. I really don't like Dr.'s except for emergency situations because I think they are all legal drug pushers and are not trained to find the cause, but rather more concerned to keep you hooked to the sickness business! Don't get me started.

                                   Saturday 7/21/2012

We were headed north to do some sight seeing when Joe spotted the signs for the Neskowin Farmers Market. Joe knows how I love Farmers Market, so he filled me in on this sighting. It is held on Saturday from 9Am to 1PM. No dogs are allowed in the market area, so we left Mallery in the car with the windows open. The market was very small with at the most, 10 vendors, but still had alot to look at and buy from. I purchased some local vegetables and a Nuno felted hand crafted cropped poncho or warm shoulder poncho. It can also be worn as a skirt as well.. The Nuno felting technique was developed by an artist in New South Wales, Austrailia around 1992.  I have had so many compliments on the poncho. I don't have a picture of it, but I know Joe has taken a picture of me wearing it in up coming blogs. The artist that made my poncho is Judie Rubert at judie@wool-0logy.com

After leaving the Farmers Market we drove around the very small community of Neskowin,OR.

I really liked the cute and quaint community of Neskowin.

Neskowin is an unincorporated community of 169 people.
The neighborhood sits right along the ocean.

This home was still decked out from the 4th of July celebration.

The neighborhood was filled with flowers.

I had a couple of Hydrangea bushes in our old yard on Willowbend Rd. but they never did well because they didn't like our clay soil. I hated our clay soil also!

I would so fit in this neighborhood, because I am such a SLOWPOKE.

More flowers and buoy's hanging from the tree.

Beachfront Home

As we left the Neskowin neighborhood, I took a picture of the ongoing Farmers Market with the small business district behind it.

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