Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Neskowin Beach, Neskowin, OR.

                                 Saturday 7/21/2012

This blog is a walk on the Neskowin Beach. Hope you enjoy your visual walk!

Dogs are allowed on the beach on a leash.

The path from the parking lot to the beach takes you along the Proposal Rock Inn,

and a stream.
Joe being cool and not knowing it!

A little bridge across the stream for those staying in the Condo's and Inn.

A creek from the south joins the stream and continues out to the ocean. The homes south of the creek have a private beach at high tide unless you want to wade in above knee water to get to it.

The tide was at high tide so our walk on the beach was very short.

End of the line for us, or go for a swim. (I don't think so! The sun was out but it was chilly. We had jeans and jackets on that day).

Boulder stairs to the home above.

Heading back down the beach.

Proposal Rock ahead.

Proposal Rock sits on the north side of the creek.

Looking back at Proposal Rock Inn and Condo's.

Proposal Rock Inn

 Hope you enjoyed your visual walk on Neskowin Beach. I really like Neskowin, OR. It is a really neat community

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