Monday, September 17, 2012

Cranberry Museum & Gift Shop, Long Beach, WA

Monday 8/13/2012

While still in Long Island, we took in the Cranberry Museum and Gift Shop. When we were in Massachusetts, we saw cranberry bogs there also. Wisconsin is the largest producer in the USA of cranberries. Massachusetts, New Jersey, Oregon and Washington are also cranberries producers.

Outside the museum there was a self guided tour of the cranberry bog.

Cranberries are grown in northern states with sandy, wet soil.

Along the the self guided trail there are signs that give you information about cranberry production.

The cranberry fields have ditches where water is drained, or flooded to the fields when needed.

Looking back to the Cranberry Museum from out in the bog fields.

Cranberries are harvested in November just before Thanksgiving!

99% of all the 235 cranberry growers on the west coast from Oregon to British Columbia are part of the Ocean Spray cooperative.

Cranberries are wet and dry harvested. The fresh cranberries that you buy for the holiday's are dry harvested, and juice and canned cranberry sauces are wet harvested.
After our self guided tour, we went into the free museum & gift shop. The gift shop has all kinds of foods and gifts associated with cranberries.
On the way home, Joe spotted this bird with a snake. He turned the car around so I could get a picture of it.

As we got close the raven left his prize. I could see the bird had killed the snake.

When I backed off, the original bird came back for his prize as well as another raven or crow. Not sure which it is.

But the original crow/raven got his prize and flew away with it.

As we continued home, Joe saw a sign for smoked fish. He turned into the drive. The sign told him to honk for service. The place was kind of a dive, but he had really yummy smoked salmon at $19.00 per pound.

We also stopped to get a flyer for this home that was for sale.

This B& B was for sale for $399. Sounded like a really great deal, if it was located somewhere else. It is located in Ocean Park, just 7 miles north of Long Beach. I find the NW coast too gloomy to live here full time. It's great to visit, but I wouldn't want to live here!

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