Sunday, September 16, 2012

Astoria Farmers Market, & Flavel House Museum, North Head & Cape Disappointment Lighthouse


                                  Sunday 8/12/2012

This is Joe writing the blog this time. Trying to help Diane. Today Diane wanted to drive back to Astoria, Or. to check out their big farmer's market. 

We looked around for awhile and then decided to spurge and get something to eat. This is the main food area.

Diane decided to try the slamon chowder.

Their chowder has lots of other ingredients other that salmon.

As you can see it is very thick and has corn, potatoes, onions and spices. Diane said it was Ok but she wouldn't buy it again.

This was one of many craft tents that caught Diane's eye.

After wandering through all the crafts, we wanted to explore the town a little more. There are many homes that sit high upon a hill and overlook the town and the bay areas. We drove up some very steep streets (like San Francisco). This was a new development with some empty lots available. This would be your veiw.

Down at the edge of town was this Old Mansion that had been donated to the city and made into a museum. We decided to save some money and not take the tour, but just walked around the yard.

Pretty cool.

Lots of detail went into this home.

This plaque tells you of its origins.

Of course Diane found some flowers in the yard to capture.

Diane just loves flowers.

I, on the other hand,  noticed the detail work on this railing, note the different heights on the turned top ballasters.

Diane liked this intricate piece of woodworking.

There was just no end to the detail work on the outside.
It was time to start back to our resort on the Washington side.

Someone obviously got a little too close to this sign. Probably hit it with a sideview mirror on a truck or motorhome.

On our way home we decided to check out a lighthouse. We have seen just about every lighthouse on the coast from northern Ca. through Or. and now into Wa. You would think they would all be the same, but not so. They all have their distict charater. As you can see we went from Sunny Astoria to foggy Wa. in just of few miles.

 We walked down a chilly and damp path to find the lighthouse. We had to pay $6. at the parking area. This lighthouse is called North Head Lighthouse. and is located at Cape Disappointment State Park. Note how the sidewlk goes from dry to wet. As we walked closer to the ocean the mist got heavier.

As we came around the last bend in the path the fog got thicker and the wind started to blow stronger and colder. I started to wish I had warn something heavier.

Here is a view of the lighthouse shrouded in the misty fog. By the time we got down to the base of the lighthouse the wind was blowing at about 25 to 30 mph and the temperature felt like 30 degrees. Needless to say we didn't stick around very long.
This is the veiw as we left the lighthouse looking down at the cove below.

A look back at the lighthouse and we hurried away to get out of that cold wind.

Finnally back at the Lighthouse keepers and assistant keepers homes, set inland far enough to be out of the harsh winds.

We drove down the road a short distance to see the Cape Disappointment Lighthouse. These two lighthouses that we are seeing today are just a few miles apart but due to the coast line they are protecting different areas. We start up the trail from the parking lot. Because we had already purchased a parking permit at the last lighthouse, we could use it here as well as it was for the entire day. That made me feel better because the last lighthouse's weather made it almost a waste to see.

This path was a little rougher and longer. At this point we peak through a hole in the woods to see the coast guard facility.

Using the zoom you get a little better look.

We continued on to Dead Man's Cove Overlook.

There was a beautiful calm cove with a cute beach. I am always amazed at how the weather can change so much is such a short distance. It was almost hot as we continued on.

Another view of the cove.

We could just see a couple of people down on the beach. We didn't see a good path to the beach so we don't know how they got down there.

The last streach of the path to the lighthouse is smooth but steep. We stopped at this overgrown concrete building? Not sure what the building was for, because there were no signs.

We finally reach the top of the path, out of the woods and see the clear skies and Astoria to the south..

And there just a few more steps up the steep path is the Lighthouse.

Cape Disappointment Lighthouse

This is a view to the right or north. You can see the Louis and Clarck Interpretive Center sitting atop the cliff.

We head over to the center. Just before we arrive we come upon this old gun turret. I am standing where a huge cannon was mounted years ago.

These old concrete bunkers were where the men were housed and the ammunition was stored.

Cape Disappointment Lighthouse view from in front of the interpretive center.

I went inside while Diane and Malley waited outside. You have to pay a fee to see the exhibit inside and dogs are not allowed so we passed on it.

The interpretive center looked fairly new and modern. It had great views out on this balcony.

As we headed home we got a great view of the Port Ilwaco.

When we got back home to our park. Later I told Diane we should walk down to the beach and see the sunset. By time we got organized and out the door I knew we would just have enough time to walk the 1/4 mile to the beach. About halfway there I remembered that I had charged the camera battery when we got home but forgot to put it in the camera. I ran all the way back to the RV got the battery and started back to the beach. I was out of breath by the time I got back hoping I wouldn't miss the sunset. Unfortunately the clouds didn't cooperate and this was all we saw before it dissappeared entirely.

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