Saturday, September 15, 2012

Ilwaco, WA Saturday Market

                                   Saturday 8/9/2012

On Saturday, we decided to go to the Ilwaco Saturday Market. As we entered Ilwaco, we saw this mural on a old building.

Ilwaco is just south of Long Beach a few miles on the peninsula.

The Saturday Market is from 10:00am to 4:00pm at the Port of Ilwaco.

The Saturday Market has mostly arts and crafts. There were a couple of local vegetable stands.


The market is on the waterfront of the port.

We watched this man turn a tree branch into a vase.

Some of his creations.

After the market we drove back to Long Beach to the beach area. They claim to have the longest beach in the world. This seemed to be a false claim. Doing research, I found that the beach is 30 miles long, but there are other beaches around the world that are longer. It is the longest continuous beach on the west coast though.

In Long Beach, we stopped at Captain Bob's Chowder House. Here Joe was coming out with 3 different samples, for me to chose from. I got the broccoli cheddar chowder, and Joe got the sea food chowder. It was just so so.

At home we saw that Santa Claus had moved in just two doors down. I guess I better be good if I want Santa to stuff my stocking with good stuff!

Before dinner, I drove back to the McDonald's in Long Beach to use their free WiFi. There were lots of gulls in the parking lot waiting for hand outs.

After I worked on my blog for about 30 minutes this gull jumped onto the hood of my car.

After a few minutes, I had two gulls on my hood.

Soon the first one left, leaving the second one still on the hood.

This one peeked into the window and said," Where's the french fries lady"?

After 10 minutes of pecking at my window around the wind shield wipers, he finally realized I didn't have any food and went to beg from someone else.

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