Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Abita Springs, LA

                                       January 31, 2013

After 6 days at Styx River Resort, Robertsdale, we were able to get back into Gulf Breeze RV Resort for our last week in Gulf Shores. Every night  I could hear the hooting of an owl. The day before we left, I went out looking to see if I could find the owl. I could see what looked like a nest half way up the pine tree.

I got a picture of the owls ear tuffs with my camera. My zoom lens was in the car and Joe was  gone using the car.

When he got back, I got my zoom lens out of the car and got this picture. So glad we got the zoom lens.

Joe always wants to just let Mallery out at night without a leash for her last potty break. Mr. owl is a good reason she needs to be leashed at all times at night time!
We left our family in Gulf Shores, AL.It is always a sad day, because I know it will be a long time before I see my girls and my grand kids again. We headed west on I-10 and made our next stop at Abita Springs, LA. I didn't take any pictures because we have been on this route several times and I already blogged the route. At our next resort, the lady who was registering Joe, told him that there was a restaurant in town that gave a 50% discount to 55 year olds and up on Thursday night.

The restaurant is called Camellia Cafe. We were told the servings were large and you didn't need to order hordeves. We never do anyway, and think all restaurants servings are too large.

There were a ton of 55 and older patrons in the restaurant that night.

We had not celebrated Joe's 60th birthday, which was just a couple of days prior, so we decided this was a good fit for his birthday dinner. He LOVES to get a good deal! Joe ordered the fried sea food platter with mac & cheese.

I had Maui Maui with red beans and rice. My fish was delicious. Joe said his sea food was more breading than fish. Salads and bread also came with the meals. Happy 60th Birthday Joe! Joe finally gets a pay check now and we won't  bleeding our savings anymore. Happy days are here!

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