Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Last Days in Gulf Shores, AL.

                                     January 13, 2013

While still at Gulf Breeze RV Resort, in Gulf Shores, I took Lennox swimming in their inside pool. It was a heated pool, but it felt very cold to me.
We wanted to stay longer at Gulf Breeze RV Resort, but the park was too full and we only had reservations for a month. We moved our Nest back out to Styx River Resort in Robertsdale which is a hour drive from the girls.

While out at Styx River in Robertsdale, we had Noah. Alisha and Hayleah went to a photography convention in Atlanta, Georgia. Alisha sent some puzzles along with Noah's other overnight stuff. Papa and Noah worked on a few puzzles together.

Noah told us that his mom calls him the, "Puzzle Master".

Joe said Noah did 3/4, ( Joe 1/4) of the 48 piece puzzle in about 10 minutes. We told Noah we agreed with his mom. He is definitely the "Puzzle Master"!

After Joe, Noah and I went for a swim in the also cold heated pool at Styx River, I had to get Noah to his daycare, where he also has Wednesday night church. He was to receive an award for learning some scriptures with his fellow classmates. Noah had been telling me he didn't want to go because it was going to be scary going up on the stage. I told him I, as well as his mom and sister have had the same fears and we are proud of him to just do his best, even if that is just getting on the stage. He fell asleep on the drive in ( it was about a 30 minutes drive). I thought the program was at 5:30, and arrived at 5:00. As we walked in I found out the program was at 5:00 and just starting. The pastor walked sleepy Noah to the front row where his teacher and class were sitting. Noah must have started to cry, because the teacher carried him up on the stage and held him during the  awards ceremony. I was sitting way in the back and zoomed in the best I could to try to get a picture of Noah with my cell phone camera with his head buried into the teachers shoulder.
After the program I took Noah back to his house in Gulf Shores and stay with him there for the next two days, while his mom and sister were still in Atlanta. Maddie, Noah's sister, had gone to his other Nana's in Spanish Fort which is about 40 minutes from Gulf Shores. I needed to get to Alisha's so I could take care of Maggie May ( their dog) and her two cats Batman and Robin. (A friend had come over for the previous night and morning feeding and potty outings until I could get there).

The next day I walked to Tiffany's and got her and Lennox and we walked to the park. Noah decided he was going to hold Lennox's hand on the walk to the park. I thought it was so cute how he was trying to take care of his younger but bigger cousin!

I had several appointments in Fairhope, AL. to see a TMJ dentist. I guess I clinch my teeth at night which is causing bone loss. I now have to wear a night appliance to prevent further bone loss. Just inside of Fairhope I spotted some goats, and because I had got my appointment time mixed up we had plenty of time to stop. ( I have had a lot of problems getting my times straight with events and appointments)

This doe came up to say hi as I got close to take her picture.

January and February is when kids are born.

So cute!

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