Thursday, April 25, 2013

Our Visit To Fredericksburg's Downtown

                                Monday 4/15/2013

On our last day in Fredericksburg, TX. we went downtown to check out all the shops and restaurants.

After walking up and down a couple of streets and reading the menu's posted out front, we chose to eat at Auslander Biergarten/Restaurant, - Authentic German Cuisine.

Joe dressed just for the occasion!

A lady at the Visitor Center said the restaurant had excellent Beer Battered Deep Fried Mushrooms. And yes they were yummy. This was a half order for $7.99.

Joe ordered the German Roll Sampler with a Reuben Roll, a Sausage Roll, and a Schnitzel for $7.99 along with his mushrooms. He ate half of his meal before I remembered to get a picture. He wasn't impressed, rather chewy and not enough meat stuffing. 

I ordered the Ruben sandwich with German hot potato salad for $8.99. They told me ahead of time that the Ruben had mayo instead of Thousand Island Dressing usual. I have to admit, it just isn't as good without the Thousand Island Dressing. I wasn't that keen on the hot sweet potato salad. The menu said, "We are famous for this one- the Ruben. I guess I am not a German cuisine lover!

After spending most of the day dragging Joe in and out of as many shops as I could, we called it a day. I could have used another day to see the rest of downtown Fredericksburg. There is a lot shopping that can be done if one has the time.
This is a picture of one of the many old stone homes that are seen throughout this community. The Germans were known for their well built stone homes in this area

The downtown has a real nice city park.
 Fredericksburg is a very nice community and we really enjoyed our week stay.

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