Friday, May 24, 2013

George W Bush Presidential Library And Museum, Dallas, Texas - Part 2

                                     Friday 5/17/2013

As we went through the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum, I used the I-Pad we were given and took some pictures, while going back to the recording after taking them. I like all the exhibits that state what President Bush said or stood for while in office.
I bet the President got these cowboy boots at Leddy's Boots in Fort Worth.
There were movies of 911 terrorist attack that President Bush had to deal with.
This is the site where United Airline Flight 93 went down in Stonycreek Township, PA., killing 44 people including the 4 hijackers.
Some of the wreckage left from the attack.
Most people, including myself, hate war! But I agree with the Bush doctrine. If you don't confront evil it just spreads! And like 911, if you don't confront it overseas, it will come to our shores and live among us!
If we don't help others get the Blessing of Freedom that we possess, we will lose our freedom to the other side, the terrorist.
It looks like we have been doing our work of helping others get Freedom.
Only the Bush and the Adam family have had a father and son to become the president in USA history.
Bush presenting Captain Ed Freeman a Medal of Honor for his bravery in the Vietnam War. During the battle, he flew through gunfire numerous times, bringing supplies to a trapped American battalions and flying dozens of wounded soldiers to safety. I posted this exhibit, because my maiden name is Freeman, and wondered if Captain Freeman was somehow related to me.
Joe still trying to be the President, posing in the Oval Office.
First Lady Laura Bush and their two Scottish Terriers, Barney and Bernard.
President And Mrs. Bush Have Taken Unprecedented Action In The Fight Against Global HIV/AIDS, With PEPFAR Supporting Lifesaving Antiretroviral Treatment For More Than 2.1 Million People
You can see from the map that Africa has the biggest population of AIDS patients.
I wanted to go to the Bush Library and Museum because even though I have voted since  I became of age to vote, the election of George W. Bush had become very important to me. He is the first candidate that I spent the time to read a book about his life before I voted. It was the first election that I was passionate about what he stood for. His election was a turning point in my life, from voting because it was my right to voting because I felt very strongly about current issues. To me President Bush was one of the greatest Presidents America has ever had!
President Bush helping the war amputee veteran, Major Daniel Gade up a hill on his bicycle at the 2012 Warrior 100.
To me, President Bush was and still is exceptional.
While waiting at the bus stop, I took a picture of our tickets with the museum in the foreground. If you like museums, and are in Dallas, this museum is a good place to visit. There is so much more in the museum than what I showed. I just pictured a very small portion, that I felt were important aspects of our 43rd President.
We took the short 10 minute ride back across the Interstate to the train station area. Before catching the train, we went back down to the Mockingbird shopping area. I was very thirsty, so we went to Starbucks for something refreshing. There are many neat shops in this area and I would have liked to check out a few, but it was getting late and I knew Joe was ready to get back home for "Miller Time"!
After getting an ice green tea, we took the elevator down to the train station, and waited for our ride home.
Our wait for the Blue line was very short. There are several lines that run throughout the Fort Worth and Dallas area. If you want to take the train to Fort Worth, it cost another $5 for each person, but it is still well worth the price.
As we drove through Rowlett on our way home, we made a stop at the Mckenna Place.
This is a view from the backside of the place from the parking lot.
We had drove pass this place a couple of times, and wondered what it was.
Check out the dragon on the roof of this place.
I found a sign that said it was a graphic design company. It was after 5PM, so the business was closed.

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