Saturday, May 25, 2013

Last Days In Dallas, Texas

                                Saturday 5/18/2013

On our next to last day in Dallas, we decided to go to the Dallas Farmers Market that runs 7 days a week, located close to the downtown area.

The city has been trying to revitalize this area for residence who want to live downtown.

The Dallas Farmers Market is located at 1010 South Pearl Expressway. This part of the farmers market is a nursery with flowers and vegetables plants for sale.

The part of the farmers market that is inside this building, you will find hand craft foods, like oils, and vinegar, chocolates, relishes, candies, and so on. You will also find food vendors, and crafts like quilts and etc.

We headed for the vegetable stands.

You can park free in the vegetable market shed. We didn't know this, but parked outside the market on a side road , but still for  free.

All the vendors had sliced fruits on plates to sample. Joe asked why I wasn't enjoying the free samples. I told him I saw a fly on one and that did it for me!

The one sample that I did try cut  personally for me by a vendor was really juicy. Unfortunately there were no organic fruits or vegetables.

We did buy a grass fed brisket, and Joe bought some tomatoes. We left the market and headed for Whole Foods.

As we went under the mass of interstates, we saw artwork making this area feel more like a park.
A lot of the cement pylons had trees painted on them. Larger cement slabs had painted murals.

A Welcome from the Police Department!

All the paintings did make the gloomy underneath interstate area look much more inviting!

We managed to get to the farmers market and Whole Foods with no problems because I had printed off 8 pages of maps to find our way, without getting on the interstates. Ever since we have been traveling in our big rig, I hate city driving in our Honda. I feel so small, like a bug just waiting to get squashed!
 The next day we went to the Bobtown Road Baptist Church just up the road from our campground. We had met another Full time couple, Eva and Bill, who had invited us to church with them. We keep meeting other RVers who invite us to church. I think God is trying to tell us something, like " OK, you have been on vacation for 4 1/2 years now. It's time to get back to a routine of worship in the Lord's House".

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