Monday, August 12, 2013

Two Rivers & Manitowoc, Wisconsin

              Thursday 7/8/2013

This is Joe, Diane decided to stay home today and get some things done at the Nest. So I went out to explore. I drove a short distance to the town of Manitowoc, WI. They have a Maritime Museum -the costs $12 to tour, you also get to go aboard the Submarine Cobia. Diane and I have toured a submarine before so I opted to just take a few pictures of it.
I took this picture from the other side of the channel. You can see the harbor light house on the left side of the picture.
This is some of the history of this area.

This shows the area  I was in. The small boat just above this caption, symbolizes where the car ferry that will take you across Lake Michigan to the Michigan side of the Lake.
Close up picture of the harbor lighthouse. There is a long jetty that you can walk out to reach it.
This is the old Courthouse in Manitowoc. I really like these old buildings.
This is an old building in the downtown. I was attracted to it because of the single pillar out front supporting part of the building.
Same building; showing how large the building was.
Another interesting building downtown.

A person in our campground told me about a small old candy shop that also has a small restaurant that they thought was worth a look.

Check out the chocolate shapes in the display case.
I bought Diane some of these small chocolate round pieces. They were cream filled. I found out that Diane doesn't really like cream filled chocolate.
This is the small restaurant in the rear of the shop.
Pretty fancy.
On my way back to Two Rivers, I stopped here.
This 6 acre piece of lake front property was purchased by John & Ruth West in 1934. Mrs. West wanted to develop the weed filled strip of land into a garden. She and her gardener hand spaded all 6 acres. Seventy Colorado spruce trees were planted to develop the north and west windbreaks still standing today. They also build a very modest small home labeled the "shoebox estate." Upon their death all was left to the community. It is free to the public.

Very beautiful with the lake in the background.
Someone has their hands full taking care of all this.
I returned to Two Rivers.  A bit of history.
This is a river channel lighthouse.
I forgot to add this picture when I was in Manitwoc. This Budweiser plant has been closed for awhile. Wonder what will happen to it.
Back in Two Rivers. The Hamilton Plant is now empty. There used to be a museum in part of it, but the museum was closed as they are going to move it to another location.It houses one of the premier wood type collections in the world.
The Hamilton plant was huge. It produced wood type to print large letters on posters.
An example of the wood type print pieces.
Across the street from the plant is the Historic Washington House. Inside, the old bar is still there. There is also an ice cream parlor. Upstairs  there is a ballroom. The building was built in the 1850's.

This is the ballroom. Check out the murals on the ceiling.

Brief description.
This is a neat church just down the street. It was a fun afternoon out poking around the area.  Diane transferred the pictures I took from the camera to the laptop and edited them. I picked out the pictures that I decided to use, enlarged them and wrote the captions. I give Diane credit for the time it takes to do this. I was surprised how long it took to do all this.

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