Tuesday, August 13, 2013

We leave Wisconsin For Baraga, Michigan

                                   Tuesday 8/6/2013

While still in Two Rivers, WI., we were awoke one night by a very loud storm with lighting and thunder. The next morning, we didn't have any electricity. Luckily we found out a little later that the whole RV park was without electricity. We took off to do other things that morning, being told the electricity wouldn't be restored until around 5PM that day. While at the farmers market in town we found out that a few trees had been blown down. Our RV park was 1 1/2 mile north from the town. We also heard that the town Mishicot just north of the park had trees down in about every yard. Even though we didn't have any down trees in our park, we were glad our Nest was sitting in the middle of the park with no trees above us. Later that day we talked to some other people that said 3 tornado's touched down in a small town just south of Green Bay. Once we got home we found that even though the park had service now, 1/2 of our Nest was still without power. The next day we had a RV repair man come out and the problem naturally didn't exist. Joe paid the service call fee scratching his head wondering why things were working again. Then he started to replug in lights, computers, toasters, and anything else he didn't want blown, if there had been a problem with our circuit breaker. When plugging in one of our lamps, the power went out again. He looked at the end of the lamp plug and realized it was fried and this was what was causing the circuit breaker to keep flipping off, every time Joe would flip it on. Live and learn!

Saturday 8/10/2013

After 9 days in Two Rivers, it was time to hit the road again. We have a lot to see before the cold weather returns and need to get back south.

We took I-43 to Green Bay and then 141/41 north into Michigan. On our way, a car passed us on the four lane highway and honked as it pasted by. Then 3 more cars passed us at the same time. Joe said, "I am glad the other cars weren't honking at us, or I would think something is wrong". I checked in our rear view camera, and the car looked fine, so we continued on.
After a couple of hours on the road, we stopped for lunch. Before we left, I went outside to check our tow car and I notice what the car apparently was honking at us about. The cover to the water heater had fallen off. Two winters ago, we met a couple who had a Dutch Star who had lost their water heater cover also. They told us it was really expensive to get replaced. I am surprised Joe had not heed the warning and remedied a solution. Once it is fixed I am sure he will this time.

Joe ordered a cover later this week and the white cover cost $100 with shipping and taxes. By the time we find someone who can paint it with the stripe, it will probably be a $300 expense.

The cover has a little key head that turns to lock in place. Unfortunately it must have giggled to the open position and then the cover flew off.

To lock the key head, it turns and then flips up. I told Joe he should have put a clip on it, so it could not flip down and turn to the open position on bumpy roads. If you own a Dutch Star, heed the warning and rig up something so you don't lose your water heater cover.
We are back in timberland again.

Hwy 141/41 followed the state borders of MI and WI and we drove back into Wisconsin again for about 10 miles before we reentered into Michigan. Further up in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Hwy 141/41 turned into Hwy 41 which took us to our destination for the day.

First view of Keweenaw Bay of Lake Superior, as we approached L'Anse, Michigan.

Our next back yard is located at the base of the Keweenaw Bay.

As we approached or campground, I saw this bridge being reflected in the water.

Baraga State Park is located directly across the highway from the end of the bay.

It is a very nice state park with paved in roads.

View of front sites with Lake Superior across the road, though you have to deal with the noise of the heavy traffic highway behind the sites.

Joe had booked site 58 online, but after driving into it, we found we could not get a satellite connection, plus it seemed to sit in a low spot. We asked if we could move to site 85, which we got a satellite connect with no problem. This is a nice park, but the fees are crazy. When Joe reserved a site online, he was charged $8 to make the reservation. We made reservations in this park for 2 nights. When we pulled into the park, the ranger told us there was an extra $8.50 per day for the RV or he could buy a RV State Park pass at $38 per year. Because we are going to be in Michigan for at least a month, he decided to buy the pass. Then the ranger told Joe he needed to either buy a car Annual State Park Pass at another $38, or pay $6 for the car. Joe decided to just pay the $6 for the car. With all the extra fees we are paying $40 a night. If Joe had known about these extra fees, we would have booked elsewhere. When he booked this park, he though we would only be paying $20 a night for this electricity only campground. Live and learn!

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