Saturday, February 21, 2015

Last Days Of December 2014

                                                          December 2014

Santa was going to be at Hayleah's (our oldest granddaughters ) place of work- Zaxby's, which is a southern fast food place. We took the little ones there to eat and after dinner it was time to sit on Santa's lap.
Of course Santa asked Noah what he wants from Santa.
Maddie decided she was too afraid to sit on Santa's lap and would have nothing to do with him.
Lennox also would have nothing to do with Santa either. I think he was wondering if Santa would know what he wanted since he didn't have the courage to tell him.
Before Christmas we had the grand kids over to our Nest a few times. The first time we had all three Noah 6, Lennox 6, and Maddie 4, which was too wild for Joe and I in our little home on wheels. We decided it was better to have them one on one or only two at a time and only when the weather was good, so we could spend most of our time outdoors. Here we just had Lennox and he was painting Christmas decorations we had made on a previous visit.
His parents brought his bike over, so we also took him out biking around the block in the campground. The first time I went with him I thought I could just walk along side him, but I ended up having to half run to keep up with him. The next time I smarten up and rode my bike also.
Just a picture of our strange Canadian neighbor who has a naked Barbie doll attached to his truck and another one attached to his motor home. I asked him what was with the naked Barbie dolls. He gave a strange answer, that really didn't explain the question. He only stayed a month and then moved on.
I take lots of pictures of my Mallery these days because we don't know how long she will be with us, with her health problems.
She is such a sweet girl and my bestie girlfriend!
Christmas Eve present opening was a whirlwind with the grand kids opening up presents at record speed. I think it might have lasted 4 minutes. Maddie opens a present and finds blue boots from us. She is a boot girl. Noah kept getting disappointed because all he got was clothes from us. I was told by his parents to  buy clothes. I remember my nephew acting the same way when they were young. Boys hate clothes when they are little.
The three musketeers in their new PJ's and some hats that went with hero t-shirts.
Lennox with some toys. ( Not from us- he must have went back to his room and dug out his old toys since Christmas Eve didn't present him with anything new to play with. The kids get their Santa toys the next day as well as their gifts from their parents).
Mallery came to Tiffany's and Blake's for Christmas. We brought her stroller into the house where she felt more comfortable away from high energy kid's feet that dart here and there. She likes being with us, but still safe and can watch all the commotion from a distance. When we got back home I took a picture of her in her Christmas dress with her t-shirt under neath for warmth.
The Christmas night was so hectic that I forgot to get a picture of her earlier.
She got tired of the pictures and headed for the back room where her dad had resided for the night! December was a busy month with Christmas shopping, grand kids, biking, and dentist appointments.

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