Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Day We thought Was The End

                      December 28, 2014                                          

We closed the day with a beautiful sunset at site # 128 at the Gulf State Park Campground. The next morning we woke up to the sound of Mallery making the sound of what's on the next video's:

( This and all pictures that follow were taken after about a week when we got Mallery's condition under control). I couldn't get her into the vets until 4:00 that day. As the day went on her labored breathing got worse. I cried on the way to the vets office. I truly thought I was going to have to put her down. Then I realized I needed to use my faith and what I had learned from all my favorite TV ministers that I watch Sunday night, and at our church at Christian Life Church here in Orange Beach, AL. I stopped my crying and started to laugh. Then I told Satan that he could not have my Mallery today because I called healing on her in the Name and Blood of Jesus.

The Dr. took Mallery from my arms and took her to another room to do some blood work and to give her a shot that was to give her immediate relief. (Which didn't happen).

I started crying in the vets office again, because fear got a hold of me, as I told the vet her history and handed over her recent x-rays.

The vet told me they would help Mallery be comfortable and hope for the best.
 Then she gave me two medicines, Prednisone and antibiotics to take home and to give throughout the day. We didn't get any relief for at least 5 hours after I left the vet.

The down side of Prednisone is it increased thirst, increased urination, and lowers the immune system. Sometimes she needs to go out every 30 minutes. The first week she was taking 1 1/2 mls every 4 hours. We now have her on 1 ml every 24 to 36 hours. I tried to stretch it to 40 hours but she started to have breathing problems again. The first 4 nights I slept on the couch with her because I had to get up and give her medicine so often and it was easier that way for me.

For some reason, since she started this medicine she wants to constantly lick us in the evening. She licks my hand, and arms while she sits with me in the evening and licks Joe when we go to bed.

When she started to feel better we resumed her tricks for treats. With this trick I will say "leave it" and she has to leave her treat on her nose until I say OK. Then she drops her nose, so the treat falls to the ground and she gets her treat.

I continued to make her chicken, sweet potato, and vegetable puree, but found that the prednisone seemed to cause more upset stomach so she has been on Science Gastrointestinal ID mostly. I tried adding Turmeric to her food but she started getting too hot and panting too much. I try to remember to lay my hands on her daily and call her healed in the Name and Blood of Jesus, and by His stripes she is healed.

Mallery sleeps a lot and is very boney and so we keep her coat on most the time when it is really cold out.
She sleeps real well most the time at night, so we feel very blessed for that.
She use to wake us up in the morning, but most of the time we have to wake her up now. Here I stood at the end of the bed, and said, "Mallery are you going to get up". After saying that several times she rolled over and gave me this look. We just feel Blessed that she is with us and give God all the Praise and Glory for this time with her.

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