Friday, July 17, 2015

4th Of July In Boyne City & Updates on Rennovation of Bathrooms

                                                  July 3, 2015
We had put our bathroom stuff in our new medicine cabinets, but unfortunately when the new window was being put in (the first one was too small), an accident happened. I went to open the medicine cabinet, and a shelve with all the stuff came crashing out.
The shelve broke in millions of pieces. Joe said the glass was safety glass and that is why it broke in so many pieces. We didn't even think to take out our stuff. Oh well stuff happens!
Mallery has been eating really good. I believe it is because she basically eats what we eat. Here she had green beans, chicken and cottage cheese. She LOVES cottage cheese. She eats a little of a banana in the AM, then a meal like the one above 2 to 3 times a day and a little apple for a snack at around 4PM. She woofs it down, but doesn't seem to gain any weight. Other nights she has fish, beef, or turkey with carrots, broccoli, peas and sometimes potatoes or rice.
My sister wanted a picture of our place from the lake so I texted her this picture.
Mallery really enjoys her 2 to 5 times a day, walk down her alley. It is her favorite thing to do each day. It is something that doesn't change unlike the inside of our house.
On the 4th of July, we saw a parade of boats heading toward Boyne City for the fireworks.
We had a neighbor who gave us a preview out our window before the city started their fireworks. We enjoyed them, but Mallery hated them.
We sat down at our lake shore and watched the fireworks down in Boyne City. I took a picture, but it looked much farther away than it actually was. (Though they were still far away). Next year we will take the boat and go closer to Boyne City. Since we are new with the boat and the lake, we decided it would be best not to go out on the water after dark. Plus it would have been too much for Mallery.
I kept going up to the house to check on her.
I gave her some benadryl because she was shaking, and I needed her to calm down. It seemed to work.
On another day on a walk up the alley, I took this picture of our neighbor's toys in the water. They have a huge family reunion every 4th of July. I am hoping some day, I can have all my grand kids, sisters and their grand kids, and mom all together on the 4th and make it a annual event.
One evening, while I was out in the kitchen, Joe said, "Mallery is shaking her kennel". He put his hand on the top of it, to brace it so all the stuff would not fall off. I ran to the kennel to calm her down, only to find her hind leg between the crate wires, as she was on her back trying to get out. I held her down and yelled to Joe to help me. I kept telling him her leg was stuck. Everything was happening so fast, and Joe didn't seem mixed up what was happening, while saying, "what do you want me to do". I continued to ask him to help me get her leg out. We normally have a blanket on top of the kennel to help make it dark for her. Joe finally lifted up the blanket and saw the problem. He started twisting and turning her leg to set her free. It was nerve racking because it was hard for Joe to tell which way to turn her leg to get her out. We don't know if she just got her leg caught while  sleeping and than started shaking the kennel trying to get free, or she had a seizure which caused her leg to get caught between the wires, with the rolling back and forth of a seizure. I tend to think the 2nd seniero is what happened. This is why I have a problem leaving her home alone. If we had not been there, she would have broke her leg for sure. We put this cardboard in her kennel so this would not happen again. Unfortunately she stayed away from her kennel for about a week. Either she didn't like the smell of the cardboard, or she had the memory of getting her leg caught, giving her fear of the crate.

 Our contractor has been having trouble with getting a tub spout that works with the shower head and hand held head. He finally got one that worked, and installed it. When I saw it, I didn't like it, but didn't say anything to him. Later I told Joe it was too contemporary looking, plus I also thought it looked like you know what! I asked Joe what he thought it looked like, and he said a penis. Bingo, I don't have my mind in the gutter, and you can't say I have penis's on the brain!  

What do you think?

Now don't get me wrong, I do like that male body part, but just not sticking out of the wall looking at me every morning. The next time Bill, our contractor came, I told him I needed something else because it was too contemporary (which it was). I was too embarrasses to tell him it also looked like a penis. We are waiting now for a new tub spout.
We have a really great Farmers Market in Boyne City that is held every Saturday and Wednesday morning. We try to go at least once a week.
The week after the 4th, was the Boyne Thunder annual event. 
 PHOTOS: Boyne Thunder Poker Run 2015 - Petoskey News-Review ...
There were 175 big boat that entered in the race. Here the boats are entering the canal from Lake Charlevoix to Lake Michigan. When they enter Lake Michigan, they head south to
 PHOTOS: Boyne Thunder Poker Run 2015 - Petoskey News-Review ...
  to Elk Rapids in Big Traverse Bay, then back north to Harbor Springs in Little Traverse Bay, then back to Boyne City.We saw them leave at 10:00 AM and coming back around 3:00 PM. They do run on the other side of Lake Charlevoix, so we hear them better than seeing them.
 PHOTOS: Boyne Thunder Poker Run 2015 - Petoskey News-Review ...
 PHOTOS: Boyne Thunder Poker Run 2015 - Petoskey News-Review ...

 PHOTOS: <b>Boyne</b> <b>Thunder</b> Poker Run <b>2015</b> - Petoskey News-Review ...
PHOTOS: Boyne Thunder Poker Run 2015 - Petoskey News-Review ... 

 We Thread: 2015 Boyne Thunder PIX by Shoot2Thrill PixWe have been frantically trying to get the house in order because Tiffany, Blake and our grandson Lennox is arriving this Saturday from Gulf Shores, AL. We got new TV's yesterday, and cable was  hooked up today. We have been with out TV's for 6 weeks now. At first it was hard, but we got use to it after about 3 weeks. Mallery has been on her new supplement for seizures for a week. So far, it has been about a week since she has had one. I also read on the internet that dogs who eat a lot of fish have high mercury levels, causing seizures. We had been giving her a lot of fish recently, because Joe gets the smoked trout and white fish that is available up here in Northern Michigan. She loves the fish, but since I read this, I have cut way back on how much she gets now.

1 comment:

  1. I have enjoyed following you through the years and I miss your regular posts.
    Maybe you will have more time once you are settled in.
