Saturday, August 8, 2015

Company Arrives - Round 1

                                                    July 18, 2015

We had to pick up our first guest to our new "Cottage Cabin Home" at the Traverse City Airport, which is an hour south of Boyne City
And here they are, our daughter Tiffany, son-in-law Blake, and grandson Lennox.
It was a long day of flying for our 6 1/2 year old Lennox, and we still had another hour of driving to get home, (which ended up much longer because the ferry was down making us go all the way around Lake Charlevoix) .
The next day, Blake teaches Lennox how to cast with his first fishing pole.
Before swimming, Joe came up with a plan for a ladder, since we didn't have a ladder on the dock into the water. The next best thing is a red neck ladder.
The water was a bit cold, but nothing could stop a little boy from swimming.
Blake decides to take the row boat out for a spin.
Daddy take me too!
Oops, Blake drops his oars in the water. Cold water here comes Blake to fetch them!
Not so cold after the first plunge.Add caption

It was time for a real boat ride, and Lennox's first boat ride. On our third boat ride on another day, we heard a clunk noise in the engine. It didn't seem to effect the engine performance, so we continued. Later we heard another clunk, and then another. We headed toward home. About 100 yards from the dock, the engine started to smoke, and when Joe put the boat in reverse as we got closer to the dock, the boat died. Blake got out the boat paddle and paddled toward the dock.
Just as we got to the boat lift, the paddle broke in two. So glad we got to the boat lift, or someone would be jumping in again! Two days later the boat went into the boat repair shop.
On another beautiful day, we went to Bay Harbor for lunch.

We decided to take the kids to the Knot for lunch.

It was a bit windy, but still a beautiful day for eating on the patio,

with great views of yachts,
and other mega boats.
Joe and I split our lunch. I ordered the fish sandwich,
and Joe order a cheese, bacon sandwich. Both were yummy, but the fish was better of course.

 Mallery came for the day too. I parked her right next to our table on the other side of the wire cord. She has been doing real well lately, though her cataract seem worse. She went a little over two weeks without a fluid treatment. She has been seizure free for over two weeks since starting a supplements that are to help reduce them. To be continued:

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