Sunday, February 28, 2016

Lennox's First Snow, Alisha Turn'e 39, Iowa Game, & Dinner at Lambert's

                                                             December 22, 2015
On December 22, Tiffany, Blake, & Lennox flew back to Iowa for Christmas with Blake's Mom and dad. Lennox was hoping for "REAL" snow and look, it snowed after he arrived.

Who didn't eat fresh snow as a kid!
And you can make snow angels with real northern snow unlike the fake Alabama snow that they make down here for a day.
Tiffany, Blake, & Lennox with Blake's grandma and grandpa.
On Jan 3rd we celebrated Alisha's last year in her 30's. Her husband, Jamie, prepared a shrimp boil, which is popular here in the south.
Alisha looking to dive into the feast.
Yep, I can't believe my little baby is turning 39.
Alisha with two of her children Maddie and Noah.
Before mom left, Alisha's old bestie, Trisha and her family visited from Iowa to enjoy warmer weather. Left to right, Mom ( of course she had to cover her face), Trisha, Alisha, Hayleah  (Alisha's oldest daughter).
In January Iowa played in the Rose Bowl against Stanford. Tiffany and Lennox supporting Iowa.
Blake watching the Iowa game outside on their patio.
Before mom left,  I took mom out to Lambert's Cafe, "Home of Throwed Rolls". We had never ate there before, so I was always curious about the restaurant.
They do throw rolls at you and they are really hot and yummy.

The place is always packed. I have heard of only two opinions of this place from others- It's great or not good .

The pot pie was really good, but all the pass around side foods tasted like they were out of a can. Like I said before, the rolls were yummy, though not good for you. My review: like most restaurants, good if you like food that is not healthy for you.

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